| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
voltage at U1A-6 is derived from the +28 Vdc supply
Alarm Monitor 3A1
through resistors R1, R2, and R3. It is set to a level of
+0.15 Vdc by adjustment of R2. When the signal at
Alarm monitor 3A1 (fig. 2-32) monitors status signals of
U1A-7 is normal, it is higher than the reference signal at
Converter-Multiplier Assembly CV-3633/GRC-144 (unit
UlA-6, and the output signal at U1A-1 is high (open
3). The characteristics, functions and sources of the
circuit). The supply voltage (+28 Vdc) through R4 and
input signals are described in (a) below. Output signals
R6 then reverse biases diode CR1. When the signal at
(b below) are routed to STATUS PANEL 3A8 (para 2-
UlA-7 drops below 0.15 vdc (fault status), the output
82). A converter summary alarm signal (c below) is
signal at U1A-1 changes to ground (O Vdc). Diode CR1
routed to orderwire assembly 1A13 and applied to
is then forward biased, with ground at the cathode
module 1A13A2 (para 2-8i). Figure 2-32 is a simplified
through R6.
schematic diagram that shows interconnections between
monitored circuits, alarm monitor 3A1, and STATUS
PANEL 3A8. Refer to figure 5-99 for the complete
(3) The signal at 3A1P1-25 comes from the
schematic diagram of alarm monitor 3A1.
local oscillator power monitor circuit in frequency
converter 3A2 (para 2-85); and it is applied to pin 11 of
voltage comparator U1C. The normal and fault levels of
a. Alarm monitor 3A1 receives input signals from
this signal and the operation of U1C are the same as
the monitored circuits at pins 14, 24, 25, 26, and 33.
those for U1A, as described in a(2) above. For normal
status +28 Vdc is applied to CR3 through R15 and R17.
(1) The signal at 3AlPl-33 comes from the
For fault status ground is applied to CR3.
thermostatic switch (S2) in amplifier-multiplier 3A5 (para
(4) The signal at 3ALPl-24 comes from the
signal is +28 vdc when the temperature in 3A5 is normal
chassis mounted reflected power detector 3A7CR1
and it is 0 vdc (open circuit) when the temperature is out
of normal range.
A reflected power signal level of 70 mv corresponds to
an antenna VSWR of 1.5: 1, so the reflected power
(2) The signal at 3AlP1-26 comes from the
signal level is normally less than 70 mv. If the antenna
forward power monitor circuit in 3A5 (para 2-85e), and it
VSWR is greater than 1.5: 1, the reflected power signal
is applied to pin 7 of voltage comparator U1A. 'The
will be greater than 70 mv (fault). Amplifier U2 has a
signal level is 0.5 +0.1 vdc (normal) or less than 0.15
gain of 10 and the output signal at U2-6 is normally less
Vdc (fault). U1A is a high gain amplifier with positive
than 700 mv. An output level greater than 700 mv
feedback. The positive feedback through R8 prevents
indicates fault status. This signal is connected through
oscillations when the output signal switches states, and
resistors R35 and R37 to test point J2 (TP2 REFLD
also speeds up the transitions. The reference
PWR), and it is also
Change 6 2-137
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