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TM 11-5820-695-35
transistor Q15 and turns on transistor Q16 providing the
input of operational amplifier AR1 is pin 2 and the
normal (green) indication.  When electrical frequency
noninverting input is pin S. The output signal is taken
synthesizer 2A14 is not phase locked, the input signal
from pin 7 with a feedback resistance connected from
drops to zero volts which turns on transistor Q15
the output pin 7 to the inverting input pin 2 to establish
producing the alarm (red) indication.
the gain of the amplifier AR1.
c. The traffic monitor signal is coupled in pin 13
e. The carrier (if) monitor signal is applied to the
through attenuator R1-R3 to the inverting input pin 2 of
base of transistor Q4 and the carrier (if) monitor
amplifier AR1. The network consisting of C1 and R4
reference signal (a predetermined level) is applied to the
connected across the differential inputs (pin 2 and 3)
base of Q3. Transistors Q3 and Q4 on board A5 (fig. 2-
provides lag compensation which increases the high
14(1)) form a differential amplifier. As the 70 MHz if
frequency response.  The amplified traffic signal is
carrier input to 2A5 increases, the age signal decreases,
applied through the peak detector circuit consisting of
consequently, the carrier (if) monitor input to Q4
capacitor C4, diodes CR1 and CR2 and capacitor C5 to
decreases. With the input to Q4 lower than the input to
the meter selector switch on 2A15A2 through variable
Q3, Q3 will conduct more heavily and Q4 turns off.
resistor R8 and also to the base of emitter follower stage
With Q4 turned off, its output dc voltage is high. The
Q1. The positive peak-detected dc voltage is applied to
high output of Q4 is applied through potentiometer R35
Q1 which couples the signal through attenuator network,
on board A1 (fig. 214(3)) to Schmitt trigger (Q17, Q18)
R10, R11, and R12, to its associated Schmitt trigger
on board A5 (fig. 2-14(3)). Potentiometer R35 is used
circuit on board AS. The Schmitt trigger circuit for the
to set the input level to Q17. The high output from Q4
traffic signal consists of transistors Q5 and Q6 (fig. 2-
causes Q17 to turn on, which in turn, causes Q18 to turn
When no signal is present, transistor Q6
off and Q19 to turn on. With Q19 turned on, its collector
conducts and holds transistor Q5 off due to the voltage
is at a low level which provides a low impedance path to
developed across common emitter resistor R48. The
ground to light the normal (green) if carrier indicator
incoming peak-detected traffic signal will forward bias
lamp on 2A15A2.  The inverted output level at the
transistor Q5 when the magnitude of the peak-detected
collector of Q18 is applied to the alarm (red) carrier (if)
traffic signal exceeds the magnitude of the voltage
indicator on 2A15A2 which provides a low impedance
developed across common emitter resistor R48. When
path to ground for the alarm indicator when the carrier
this occurs transistor Q5 conducts and transistor Q6 cuts
(if) monitor input (derived from the age signal) is at a
off until the peak-detected signal again drops below the
higher level than the predetermined carrier (if) monitor
voltage level of the common emitter resistor R48. The
reference signal.
output of the Schmitt trigger circuit is a positive voltage
which is developed at the collector of transistor Q6.
f. A three input diode OR-gate and inverting
This voltage is applied to the base of transistor Q7 to
transistor provides the summary alarm function. This
forward bias it into conduction. When transistor Q7 is
circuit consists of diodes CR12, CR15, and CR16,
conducting its collector is at a low level; this provides a
transistor Q23 and resistors R102 and R103 (fig.  2-
low impedance path to ground to light the normal
14(2)).  When the anode of any input ,diode has a
(green) TRAF indicator lamp on meter panel assembly
positive voltage level applied to it, it conducts and
2A15A2. The inverted output level at the collector of
forward biases transistor Q23 into conduction producing
transistor Q6 is applied to the alarm (red) TRAF
a summary alarm condition.  When all of the diodes
indicator lamp on 2A15A2. Transistor (Q7) provides a
have a low (or zero) voltage applied to their anodes,
low impedance path to ground for the alarm lamp when
they are nonconducting and transistor Q23 is turned off
no traffic signal is detected (quiescent state of the
producing a normal indication.
Schmitt trigger circuit).
g. Zener diodes C5 and CR6 are incorporated on
d. A synthesizer monitor signal, developed in
board A1 to provide regulated plus and minus voltages
electrical frequency synthesizer 2A14, is applied to
for the integrated circuits.  Zener diode CR5 (fig.
Schmitt trigger circuit Q14 and Q15 through pin P2-17
(fig. 2-14(2)). This signal indicates when the electrical
frequency synthesizer 2A14 is not phase locked and is
in a search mode attempting to correct the oscillator
frequency. When electrical frequency synthesizer 2A14
is phase locked, a +2 volt level is applied to input pin 17
to forward bias transistor Q14.  This in turn, cuts off

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