| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
the rf signal. Variable inductor LI tunes the collector
(1) Both the primary and secondary of
circuit of Q2 and resistor R9, connected across L5,
transformer T1 are tuned to the 70 MHz. center
loads the collector circuit thereby providing stability.
Tuning is accomplished by variable
The stage output is tapped from inductor L5. The
capacitors C43 and C45, respectively. The signal from
limiting action is obtained by operating Q2 near
Q7 is connected across the primary winding of
saturation. The base is biased at +13.5 volts dc. A
transformer T1, and also to the center tap of the
resistance of 1015 ohms (R11 plus R10) in the emitter
secondary winding of T1 through capacitor C41. With a
circuit results in highly stable operation near the
70 MHz signal applied, the voltages across each half of
saturation region. Under these conditions. the collector
the secondary windings are in quadrature with the
to emitter voltage of Q2 is in the order of 1.0 volt. A
voltage across the primary.
They are of equal
negative signal swing tends to further increase the
amplitude and are 180 degrees out of phase. When the
current of Q2 but, because of the near saturation, the
signal is above resonance, the phase angle between
swing at the collector is limited. With a positive signal
one half of the secondary and the primary is greater
swing, the emitter voltage tends to become more
than 90 degrees, and that for the other half of the
positive, thereby reducing the base emitter voltage.
secondary is less than 90 degrees. Below resonance,
This, in turn, causes the emitter voltage to decrease,
these phase relationships are reversed, the phase angle
due to the reduced emitter current through resistors R10
for the first half of the secondary being less than 90
and R11. Because of these counteracting effects the
degrees, and that for the second, greater than 90
output voltage swing due to positive signal excursions is
also limited. The second, third, and fourth limiter stages
(2) The signals at the cathodes of diodes
operate in an identical manner. The output of fourth
CR3 and CR4 are the vector sums of the primary and
limiter stage Q5 is tapped from variable inductor L14
associated secondary voltages. At resonance these
and applied to the first stage of discriminator driver Q6
signals are of equal amplitude; while off resonance, the
through capacitor C33. The output of Q6 is also fed to a
signal associated with the half secondary having the
metering circuit consisting of diode detector CR2,
greater phase difference is the larger. The difference
resistor R30, and associated RC circuit R27 and C81.
between the two voltages is proportional to the
The metering circuit produces a dc signal proportional to
frequency excursion from the resonant frequency. The
the limiter output level. The resultant dc level is made
modulation (video) is recovered by the rectifying action
available for monitoring at Jo (front panel test point TP3
of diodes CR3 and CR4. Since the voltages across
these diodes are in opposition, the current through load
resistors R40 and R41 is produced by the difference
c. Discriminator Driver. The discriminator driver
between the impressed voltages. The signal developed
consists of two transistor stages Q6 and Q7. The first
across the load resistors has, as its fundamental
stage Q6, is an emitter follower. The signal enters at the
frequency, the recovered video.
Ripple at the if
base, and the output is taken off at the junction of
frequency is bypassed by capacitor C46.
resistors R81 and R32. Biasing is provided by voltage
(3) Two positive coefficient thermistors, R85
divider R28, R29, and emitter resistors R31 and R32.
and R41, are used in the discriminator to compensate
Capacitors C35 and C37 are bypass capacitors. The
for thermal effects in discriminator driver Q7 and Q8.
input to second stage Q7 is through coupling capacitor
The thermistors have a temperature coefficient of
C38 to the junction of resistors R36 and R37. This stage
approximately +0.7 percent degree centigrade. The
is configured common base, and, unlike the limiter
resistance of R85 in the collector circuit of Q7 increases
stages, is biased in the linear region. Base bias voltage
with increasing ambient temperature.
This action
of +6.76 volts is derived from voltage divider R83 and
compensates for the thermal effects in Q7. Similarly,
R84 and emitter bias from resistors R36 and R37. The
resistor R41 increases the output signal at capacitor
base is bypassed by C39 and the emitter by capacitor
compensating for thermal effects in diodes CRS and
CR4, and the video output amplifier, Q8 and Q9.
d. Frequency Discriminator.
The frequency
(4) A metering circuit is provided at the
discriminator recovers the video signal (composite pcm
output of frequency discriminator, consisting of R42,
and orderwire) from the modulated 70 MHz if signal. It
C47, and J4. When the mean if frequency at the input
operates on the phase shift principle, and consists of
of the frequency discriminator differs
transformer T1, diodes CRS and CR4, and associated
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