| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
CR3 and through C2 to ground. As soon as C2 is
discharged Q7 turns off. C2 continues to charge with
(1) Lamp drivers Q1, Q3 and Q9 have a
negative polarity on the side connected to the base of
resistor in series with the transistor base. The resistor
Q7. When the input goes high, this reverse voltage on
serves to limit the base current of the transistor and
C2 must be discharged before it can be recharged with
reduce the loading on the logic circuit that controls the
positive polarity. Thus, turning on Q7, which occurs
after a failure has been corrected, is slow, and turn-off,
which occurs when the failure is detected, is also
(2) Lamp drivers Q2, Q4, Q8 and Q11
delayed. This allows Q2 to maintain an on or off
have +5v connected to the base through a resistor, in
condition with interruptions in either state.
addition to the logic signal connection. This is called a
base pull-up resistor.
It is required because the
Integrator Driver. The integrator driver Q5,
inverters that supply the logic signal to the base do not
Q6 consists of the following components: R10 R15,
have the capability to supply enough base drive current
CR5, Rll, R12, C1, R13, R14. The input network (R10,
in the logic one state. When the output of A3A is low,
Rll, R12, R15, and C1) is comprised of a level converter
the +5v is dropped across R3 and Q2 is off. When the
and integrator for the driver circuit. The output of the
output of A3A is high (+5v), R3 supplies additional drive
integrator the base of Q5 which, in turn, controls
current to the base of Q2 to assure turn-on. Operation
transistor Q6. Resistor R14 provides current limiting to
of lamp drivers Q4, Q8 and Q11 is the same.
transistor Q6. There is no inversion of an input signal
and a logic one input will become +28 volts at the
(3) Inverter A3E drives A2A, A3F, and
output; a logic zero input will become zero volts. The
A4C in addition to Q10, so a base pull-up circuit is
output major alarm summary signal (OMARY) is
required at Q10 for either logic state of A3E. When the
integrated to prevent a false input from triggering this
output of A3E is low, CR6 is forward biased and current
major alarm output. When the input signal (from A3D)
flow through R24 and CR6 drops the voltage at the
is high, electron flow from -6 volts through Rll, CR5 and
junction point of CR6, CR7 and R24 to +0.7v. Current
R15 and R10 produces a positive voltage at the junction
flow through R25, CR8 and CR7 drops the voltage at the
of CR5 and Rll because most of the voltage is dropped
base to -1.4v and Q10 is off. When the output of A3E is
across Rll. C1 charges to this positive voltage and turns
high (+5v), CR6 is reverse biased. Current flow through
on Q5. Resistor R14 is a current limiter. With Q5 at
R25, CR7, CR8 and R24 drops the voltage at the base
saturation, Q6 has zero volts at the base and is off.
to approximately +2v and Q10 turns on.
When the input changes to low (ground), the positive
charging voltage is removed from C2 and it discharges.
Relay Driver.
Relay driver Q7, which
When the voltage at the cathode side of CR5 goes
generates the bypass orderwire 1BPOW signal, has the
negative (as C1 discharges), Q5 is reverse biased and
cathode of CR4 connected to its output, with the anode
turns off. The positive voltage through R13 then turns
returned to ground. Diode CR4 is a 27-volt zener diode
on Q6 and the output signal major alarm summary
which provides protection against normal transient
(OMARY) is logic zero.
voltages generated by the relay. The components
associated with the circuit are: CR2, R16, CR3, R17,
Cable Traffic Detector, Synchronoue Mode
C2, Q7, CR4 and R18. The components (R16, R17,
CR2 and CR3) are used to convert the logic input signal
into a base turn-on, turn-off signal. Capacitor C2
(1) The cable traffic detector consists of
prevents the relay from following a transient (false)
four sections: cable traffic amplifier AS, 2304 KHz
alarm input. Resistor R18 is a current limiting resistor.
crystal with slicer bias and dc tracking network Q13A
When the input signal to Q7 is logic one (high), CR2 is
and Q13B, slicer comparator A6, and transistor
reverse biased. Electron flow from ground through C2,
integrator Q12. The cable traffic input signal XCPCM to
CR3 and R16 to +5 volts charges C2 and turns on Q7.
the traffic detector is ac coupled to the input of high gain
When the input signal changes to logic zero (low), CR2
amplifier AS. Amplifier AS drives crystal Y1 which
is forward biased. Electron flow is then from the
resonates at 2304 KHz (nominal pcm cable component);
cathode side of CR2 to the positive voltage and also
the two transistors, Q13A and Q13B, provide bias
from negative voltage and through R17 to C2, and from
(Q13B) and dc tracking with temperature (Q13A). The
ground through Q7 emitter and base to CR3. This
components used in the bias network are: R37, C13,
delays the turn-off of C2. With C2 discharged, the
Q13B, R39, C14 and R.38. The
negative voltage through R17 has two paths, through
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