| ![]() TM 11-582695-35
direct proportion to the signal level at the base, and is
transformer T1 which provides a voltage gain of two.
filtered by C17. Resistor R39 provides a minimum
The +12 volt supply voltage is connected to transistor
voltage across C17. This reduces the time required for
Q1 through voltage dropping resistor R27 which is
input pulses to fully charge C17. Resistor R40 is
bypassed by capacitor C8. Capacitor C9 is a high
variable so that the dc input level to the reference input
frequency bypass that provides signal ground for the
of Al can be adjusted.
tuned circuit. Resistors R24 and R25 in the emitter
circuit of transistor Q1 provide dc bias. Resistor R25 is
Slicer A1 Slicer A1 is an integrated circuit
bypassed for ac by capacitor C12. Since resistor R24 is
not bypassed, it provides a small amount of signal (ac)
(fig. 5-24). Capacitors C18 and C19 provide supply
feedback. Resistor R23 is an impedance match for the
voltage decoupling. The -6 volts through resistor R41
secondary of transformer T1 because the input
speed up transitions from logic one to logic zero. When
impedance of Q1 is high. Resistor R33 at the secondary
the input signal (pin 3) is more positive than the
side of transformer T2 has the same function. Cable
reference voltage (pin 2), the output is low (logic zero);
traffic alarm signal XCPCM is taken from the secondary
when the input signal is negative with respect to the
of T1 and sent to alarm monitor 1A12A6.
reference voltage, the output is high, (logic one).
Resistor R46 is an isolating resistor to protect T1 and
Q1 in the event of a malfunction in the external circuit.
(transistor Q9) is an emitter follower. Resistors R42 and
(2) Amplifier Q2 is a grounded emitter
R43 and capacitor C20 determined the base emitter
amplifier with a voltage gain of approximately 35. The
bias. Pulses of 1CSPCM charge capacitor C20 and
input signal to this amplifier is direct coupled from
maintain a positive dc voltage as long as signal
transistor Q1. Resistor R28 is the collector load resistor
1CSPCM is active. The output voltage is coupled
and resistor R29, R30, and R31 provide dc bias.
through current limiting resistor R44 and keeps
Resistors R30 and R31 are bypassed for ac by
transistor Q10 (which acts as a switch) turned on. Lamp
capacitors C11 and C13. Resistor R29 is not bypassed
DS1 then remains lighted as long as 1CSPCM activity
and provides a small amount of signal feedback. Dc
continues. If the pcm signal fails, Q9 turns off, capacitor
feedback from the junction of resistors R30 and R31 to
C20 discharges through R43 and Q10 turns off. Output
the base of transistor Q2 provides temperature
signal 1CRFAIL is then logic one and lamp DS1 is off.
compensation between transistors Q1 and Q2.
When transistor Q10 turns off, lamp DS1 receives a
small current to keep it warm through R45. Since a
(3) Amplifier Q3 is an emitter follower
warm lamp has a higher resistance than a cold lamp,
which couples the output signal of transistor Q2 to the
when Q10 turns on, the current surge is not as great.
primary windings of transformer T2 with minimum
loading on transistor Q2. Resistor R32 is the emitter
Voltage Filtering Components, Synchronous
load resistor. The ac signal is coupled to transformer T2
Mode (1A12A2).
Voltage filtering components L9
through capacitor C14. Transformer T2 provides a
through L11 and C21 through C25 limit the coupling of
voltage gain of four.
switching transients and other stray signals to the power
(4) Dual transistor circuit Q5 contains a
common emitter amplifier Q5A and a temperature
compensating bias network consisting of QSB, resistor
Asynchronous Mode (1A12A13).
Voltage filtering
R34 and bypass capacitor C15. This type of biasing
components L13 and C26, C27, and C30 (for the +5 vdc
results in a linear output which is direct coupled to the
supply voltage) and L15, L16 and C29, C33, and C34
input (pin 2) of slicer Al. Resistor R35 functions as the
(for the +6 vdc supply voltage) limit coupling of
collector load resistor. Resistor R36 provides dc bias
switching transients and other signals to the power
and is bypassed for ac by capacitor C16.
circuits. The +12 vdc supply voltage is filtered at the
input by L1 and C1, voltage regulated by R1 and CR1
(5) Amplifiers Q7 and Q8 are a pnp-npn
and filtered by C2. It is then distributed to various
common-collector complementary pair designed to
circuits through decoupling circuits as follows:
eliminate temperature drifting effects. Resistors R37
through L2 and C3 and C4 to integrated circuit A4 and
and R40 are the emitter load resistors. Resistor R38 is
transistors Q1 and Q2; 2. through L8 and C25 to
a current limiting resistor to protect Q8 against current
transistor Q4; 3. through L3 and C8 to integrated circuit
surges, at turn on time or any time when C17 is
Al; 4. through L14 and C28 to integrated circuit A3.
discharged. The signal at the base of Q8 is rectified by
the base emitter junction to provide a dc reference in
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