| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
transistor Q1, crystal Y1, and tank circuit L3, C7, C10.
(3) Oscillations and noise in the high gain
Crystal Y1 operates in series resonance on the fifth
feedback regulator are prevented by C2 and C3.
overtone. Transistor bias is provided by resistors R3,
Capacitor C2 shunts any disturbances at Q2 base to
R4 and R5. Resistor R5 is also in the oscillator's
ground. Capacitor C3 supplies negative feedback to the
feedback path. Inductor L4 tunes out stray capacitance
base of Q6 to prevent oscillations. Capacitor C4
in the crystal unit. Capacitor C6 provides rf bypass. Dc
suppresses any noise which otherwise could trigger Q1
power is applied through switch S1, and two filter
during normal operating conditions. Diodes CR5 and
sections (L1, C1, C3 and L2, C4, C5). The switch also
CR7 are temperature compensating diodes in the base
controls the RADIO TEST SET lamp on meter panel
circuits of Q7 and Q9.
assembly 1A15A8 and on-off lamp DS1 on the front
panel of 1A2 through current dropping resistor R2.
12v Voltage Regulator 1A1A6 through
1A1A9 (fig. 2-10). This circuit functions the same as the
When voltage is applied, the initial
6/6v voltage regulator previously described in a above.
transient causes oscillations to start. Crystal oscillations
The difference between the circuits is that 6.2-volt zener
are fed through C21 and R5 to the emitter of Q1,
diode references are used (CR5 and CR6) in place of
amplified in the transistor, and applied to the tank
the 3.3-volt type (CR6 and CR8) used in the 5/6v
circuit. The tank circuit, closely tuned to the crystal
voltage regulator. Only one potentiometer (R4) is
frequency, resonates and feeds a reinforcing signal
provided in the voltage divider path (R4 and R6) and the
through C8. The signal builds up in the loop until the
temperature compensating diodes in the base circuits of
transistor gain has decreased to unity, at which point a
Q7 and Q9 are not used. Also, capacitor-resistor
sustained level is maintained. Small changes are made
network Z1 is used in the base circuit of Q6 to eliminate
in operating frequency by means of variable capacitor
possible oscillations under a low load condition. An
C10 in the tank circuit. When the tank circuit is tuned to
identical 12v voltage regulator is used in position 2A1A3
resonate above the natural frequency of the crystal, the
of Receiver, Radio R-1467/GRC-1144.
feedback signal to the crystal leads the crystal signal.
This causes the crystal to oscillate at a higher frequency
15/28v Voltage Regulator 1AA10 through
and restores a zero phase condition. Since the crystal
1A1A12 (fig. 2-11). This circuit functions the same as
Q is very high, compared to that of the tank, the change
the 5/6v voltage regulator previously described in a
in crystal frequency required to restore zero phase is
above. The difference between the circuits is that 6.2-
very small relative to the change in resonant frequency
volt zener diode references are used (CR-5 and CR6) in
in the tank circuit. The oscillator output is taken off at
place of the 3.3-volt type (CR6 and CR8) used in the
the upper tap of L3, through coupling capacitor C9. The
5/6v voltage regulator. Also, certain circuit resistance
signal is fed to a power splitter (R10 through R14) which
values are different to accommodate the higher voltages
also isolates the oscillator from the load. Each output is
and the temperature compensating diodes in the base
coupled by blocking capacitors C13 and C14 to the
circuits of Q7 and Q9 are not used. In addition, resistor
output cables W1 and W2. These cables are connected
R16 is required to limit the crowbar current and
to balanced mixer unit 1Z1. The blocking capacitors
capacitor-resistor network Z1 is used in the base circuit
prevent diode currents in the mixer from feeding back to
of Q6 to eliminate possible oscillations under a low load
the oscillator stage.
condition. Identical 15/28v voltage regulators are used
in positions 2A1A1, 2A1A2, and 2A1A4 of Receiver,
Several metering circuits are provided. A
Radio R-1467/GRC-144.
diode detector circuit, consisting of CR1, R8, R0 is
capacitively coupled by C11 to the variable arm of R7
100 MHz Radio Frequency Oscillator 1A2
This circuit produces a dc level
Circuit Functioning (fig. 5-23)
proportional to the signal level. The dc level (osc output
level) is applied to the meter selector switch on the radio
The 100 MHz radio frequency oscillator
test set panel. Potentiometer R9 (cal adj 4th-5th ech
1A2, functionally part of the radio test set, produces a
only) is used to adjust the meter deflection and capacitor
precise 100 MHz signal, which is mixed with the output
C12 is an rf bypass. Circuits for metering the
signal of the T-1054/GRC-144 to produce a signal offset
by 100 MHz from the rf output frequency. The signal is
used in aligning, testing, and troubleshooting the R-
The basic oscillator consists of
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