| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
circulator 2A10HY1 has a passband frequency range of
bandpass response centered at 70 MHz by resonating
4.5 to 4.9 MHz and provides isolation between the 600-
with the sum of the crystal mixer output capacitance and
4800 MHz frequency octupler and receiver frequency
preamplifier stage Q1 input capacitance. Preamplifier
mixer stage 2A8.
stage Q1 is a fixed tuned, wide band low noise amplifier
stage which determines the noise figure of amplifier-
Bandpass Filter 2FL21. Bandpass filter
mixer 2A7. Preamplifier stage Q2 is also a fixed tuned,
wide band amplifier stage with adjustable gain, R12.
2FL21 passes the 4.55 to 4.85 GHz output from
Preamplifier stage Q3, also a fixed tuned wide band
amplifier-frequency multiplier 2LA10 to receiver
amplifier stage is capable of supplying large signal
frequency mixer stage 2A8. All other frequencies are
levels linearly at the output. Variable capacitor C22 sets
inhibited by bandpass filter 2FL21, thereby improving
the output impedance of amplifier-mixer 2A7 close to 75
the spurious responses of the R1467/GRC-144.
ohms with a minimum reactive component.
Bandpass filter 2FL21 has an impedance of 50 ohms
(nominal) and causes a loss of 0.8 db (maximum) in the
4.56 to 4.85 GHz frequency range.
Functional Block Diagram Description of
220 MHz Frequency Multiplier-Osc 2A13.
Oscillator Circuits (fig. 5-19)
220 MHz frequency multiplier-osc 2A13 generates a 220
MHz (70 milliwatts, nominal) output signal which is
Electrical Frequency Synthesizer 2A14.
applied to receiver frequency mixer stage 2A8. The 220
Electrical frequency synthesizer 2A14 is identical to
MHz frequency multiplier-osc 2A18 is comprised of 110
electrical frequency synthesizer 1A14 used in
MHz rf oscillator 2A13Y1 and amplifier-frequency
Transmitter, Radio T-14/GRC-144 (para 2-12 and 2-13).
multiplier 2A13A1. The 110 MHz rf oscillator is a crystal
The 284.375 to 303.125 MHz, 20 milliwatt output of
oscillator which produces a 110 MHz (1500 Hz) output
2A14 is applied to amplifier-frequency multiplier 2A10.
frequency at a power level of 15 milliwatts, nominal.
A detected sample of the output is applied to the
The 110 MHz output signal is applied to input amplifier
SYNTH position of the meter selector switch on meter
Q1 of 2A13A1 where it is amplified and applied to
panel assembly 2A15A2. The SYNTH OVEN indicator
frequency doubler Q2 and Q3. Input amplifier Q1 also
(press-to-test) on meter panel assembly 2A15A2 lights
provides isolation for frequency doubler Q2 and Q3.
white when the oven in 2A14 stabilizes at the correct
Frequency doubler Q2 and Q3 multiply the 110 MHz
temperature. In addition, a synthesizer monitor signal is
input by two producing an output signal of 220 MHz.
applied to alarm-monitor 2A12. This signal indicates if
The 220 MHz output signal is then applied to output
the radio frequency oscillator and the standard radio
amplifier Q4 which amplifies the low level 220 MHz
frequency oscillator both in 2A14, are phase locked.
signal for application to receiver frequency mixer stage
2A8. The 220 MHz output signal from output amplifier
Q4 is also applied to metering circuit CR3 where it is
Amplifier-frequency multiplier 2A10 receives the
detected for application to the MULT OSC position of
264.3715 to 303.125 MHz signal from 2A14 and
the meter selector switch on meter panel assembly
multiplies (times 16) it up to 4.56 to 4.85 GHz.
2A15A2. Variable resistor 2A15A2R6, mounted on the
Amplifier-frequency multiplier 2A10 is comprised of a
rear of meter panel assembly 2A15A2, is used to
300-600 MHz frequency doubler, 600 MHz amplifier,
calibrate the MULT OSC meter indication.
600-4800 MHz frequency octupler, and a coaxial
circulator. The 300-600 MHz frequency doubler T1,
Receiver Frequency Mixer Stage 2A8.
CR1 and CR2 doubles the 284.375 to 303.125 MHz
Receiver frequency mixer stage 2A8 produces the 4.38
input producing a 568.75 to 606.25 MHz signal. The
to 5.07 GHz local oscillator signal by mixing the 220
568.75 to 606.25 MHz signal is amplified by 600 MHz
MHz signal from 2A16 with the 4.556 to 4.85 GHz signal
amplifier Q1-Q3 sufficiently to drive the 600-4800 MHz
from 2FL21. Receiver frequency mixer stage 2A8
frequency octupler. The 600-4800 MHz frequency
consists of 220 MHz bandpass filter 2A8FL1, crystal
mixer 2A8Z1, and coaxial circulator 2A8HY1. The 4.56
L13, L14 and L15 to accomplish a times 8 multiplication.
to 4.86 GHz
The 4.55 to 4.85 GHz (50 milliwatts, nominal) output of
the 600-4800 MHz frequency octupler is sent, through
coaxial circulator 2A10HY1 and bandpass filter 2FL21,
to receiver frequency mixer stage 2A8.
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