| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
square wave amplifier Q12Q15. The square wave
frequency. The vco's center frequency can be adjusted
amplifier is a highly stable feedback amplifier which is
with front panel variable capacitor C15. The 1.50 MHz
ac coupled both at the output and the input. The phase
frequency modulated output of the vco is applied to
detector circuit receives the error signal and an input
amplifier stages Q3, Q4, Q8, and Q9 through emitter
from the multivibrator to determine the polarity for plus
follower Q2 which isolates the vco from the amplifier
or minus correction. When the sampled input from the
stages. The amplified frequency modulated 1150 MHz
modulator is lower than 70 MHz, the phase detector
signal is applied through matching pad R%3-R65 to
provides a negative correction voltage output to drive
frequency mixer 11A9.
the vco frequency higher. When the sampled input from
(2) The 150-MHz output signal is also applied
the modulator is higher than 70 MHz, the phase detector
to mixer circuit T3, CR7, CR8 where it is mixed with a
provides a positive correction voltage output to drive the
220 MHz signal. The 220 MHz signal is developed by
vco frequency lower. The center frequency of the phase
the 110 MHz crystal oscillator circuit Q5 and frequency
detector can be adjusted with phase detector balance
doubler circuit T2, CR5, CR6. The output of the mixer is
variable resistor R78. Emitter follower Q6 isolates the
applied to low-pass filter L10, C38, and C39. The 70
multivibrator from the phase detector. The correction
MHz difference signal produced by the mixing process is
signal (afc) is applied to differential amplifier A2-A and
passed by the filter and amplified by stages Q6 and Q7
A2-B in modulator 1A8. The differential amplifier
for application to electronic frequency control 1A7.
increases the sensitivity of the afc output circuit. The
c. Electronic Frequency Control 1A7. Electronic
afc signal applied to the 150 MHz vco provides -20 kHz
frequency control 1A7 receives the sampled frequency
center frequency stability. The EFC DISABLE switch on
modulated 70 MHz signal from radio transmitter
modulator 1A8 is used to disable the afc input signal.
modulator 1A8 and produces an afc signal to stabilize
When depressed, the EFC DISABLE switch shorts out
the center frequency of the 1150 MHz vco in 1A8. The
the afc input to modulator 1A8. When aligning the vco,
70 MHz sampled signal is applied to gate-A, CR4CR6,
the EFC DISABLE switch is depressed and front panel
through emitter follower Q3 in electronic frequency
variable capacitor C15 is adjusted.
control 1A7. A 70 MHz reference signal from reference
d. Meter Circuits
oscillator circuit Q1 is applied to gate-B, CR1-CR3,
through emitter follower Q2. The frequency of the
(1) The orderwire metering circuit in
reference oscillator can be adjusted using variable
attenuator assembly 1A3 provides an output to the
inductor L2. With switch S1 in the OPR position, free-
meter selector switch on meter panel assembly 1A15A8.
running multivibrator Q4 and Q5 alternately switches
The orderwire signal level may be monitored by setting
between gate A and gate B. Thus, the 70 MHz sample
the meter selector switch to the OW TEST position.
signal from 1A8 and the 70 MHz signal from the
(2) Various signals from radio transmitter
reference oscillator are alternately applied to emitter
modulator 1A8 and electronic frequency control 1A7 are
follower Q7. The emitter follower provides isolation
applied to the meter selector switch on meter panel
between the gate inputs and limiter stages Q8 and Q9.
assembly 1A15A8. The traffic input to 1A8 is applied
The limiter stages prevent any amplitude variations from
through emitter follower A2) (part of integrated circuit
reaching the discriminator. The limiter stages are tuned
A2) to the 48 channel traffic attenuator in attenuator 1A3
by adjusting the 1ST LIM LEVEL and the 2ND LIM
and then to the meter selector switch by alarm monitor
LEVEL controls. Emitter follower Q10 isolates the
1A5. Note that the 48/96 channel attenuator switch on
second limiter stage from discriminator driver Q11. The
1A3 must be set to the 48 CH position (para 2-10a(2)).
discriminator, T1, C51-C56, CR10 and CR11 is a
Variable resistor 1A15A8R7 mounted on the back of
conventional type, employing the phase shift principle.
meter panel assembly 1AllStA8 is used to calibrate the
Both the primary and secondary of T1 are tuned for a
T,RA'FFIC meter indication. The 150-MHz output and
linear S-curve centered about 70 MHz. The output of
70 MHz sample output signals from 1A8 are applied
the discriminator is a square wave with an amplitude
through meter circuits CR10 and CR9, respectively, to
proportional to the frequency difference of the signals
the meter selector switch. The center frequency (afc
(70 MHz modulated signal from the modulator and 70
signal) is applied from output electronic frequency
MHz reference signal). The difference (error) signal is
control 1A7 to the meter selec
applied to phase detector circuit T2, CR12-CR15 by
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