| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
The signal output of peak limiter A is distributed as
tion, Radio Set AN/GRC-144, and terminal equipment
are shown.
Input orderwire signals, recovered
orderwire, orderwire (pcm bypass), the remote
(1) To the remote telephone through IC
telephone (Telephone Set TA-312/PT), and Handset H-
amplifier A2 and filter FL2 on 1A13A3, and hybrid
156/U are shown entering the orderwire circuits on the
transformer lA13A7TB1T1.
left-hand side of the diagram. Output orderwire signals,
(2) To the through orderwire transmit (TO
to Handset H-156/U, through orderwire transmit to
CABLE) through IC amplifier A5 on lA13A5, and IC
cable, to remote telephone, and to transmitter, are
amplifier Al, filter FL1, and transformer T1 on 1A13A3.
shown leaving the orderwire circuits on the righthand
(3) To Transmitter, T-1054(P)/GC-144(VY).
side of the diagram. The through orderwire receive
through IC amplifier A5 and A4, filter FL1, and
(FROM CABLE) input signal is received by cable from
transformer T1 on lA13A5.
the terminal equipment and the through orderwire
d. Assume that the through orderwire receive
transmit (TO CABLE) output signal is sent by cable to
signal is applied to the orderwire circuits. The signal is
the terminal equipment. The recovered orderwire or
distributed as follows:
orderwire (pcm bypass) input signal is received by the
(1) To the loudspeaker through transformer
antenna and Receiver, R-1467(P)/GIRC144(V)' from the
T1 and IC amplifiers Al and A2 on lA13A4, the speaker
distant radio station and the transmitter orderwire output
volume control on meter panel assembly lA15A8, and IC
signal is sent by Transmitter, T-1054 (P)/GC:-144(V),
amplifier A2 on lA13A2.
and antenna to the distant radio station. The internal
(2) To Handset tI-166/U through transformer
orderwire circuit connections are such that a signal
T1, IC amplifiers Al and A2, and filter FL1 on lA13A4.
originating at one of the four inputs is distributed to the
other three outputs but not to the associated output. For
(3) To Transmitter, Radio T-1054/GRC-144
example, the through orderwire receive (FROM CABLE)
through transformer IA13A4Tl, and IC amplifier A4, filter
input signal is distributed to the transmitter orderwire,
FL1, and transformer T1 on 1A13A5.
Handset H-156/U, and the remote telephone outputs but
(4) To the remote telephone through
not to the through orderwire transmit (TO CABLE)
transformer T1 and IC amplifier Al on 1A13A4, IC
amplifier A2 and filter FL12 on lA13A3, the hybrid
b. To illustrate signal distribution through the
transformer lA13A7TBlT1.
orderwire assembly, assume that a signal is applied
from remote telephone output. The 3ignal passes
lA13A3 is energized, allowing the recovered orderwire
through hybrid transformer lA13A7TBlTl and peak
signal (the orderwire signal from the distant radio
limiter B (integrated circuit A3) on 1A13A5 and is
station) to enter the orderwire circuits. However, if the
distributed as follows: (1) To the loudspeaker through
recovered orderwire sensing signal is lost (pcm alarm
IC amplifier A2 on 1A13A4, the speaker volume control
condition), relay K1 becomes deenergized and the
on the meter panel and IC amplifier A2 on lA13A4, the
orderwire (pcm bypass) signal enters the circuits to
speaker volume control on the meter panel and IC
maintain orderwire communications. In either case, the
amplifier A2 on lA13A2.
recovered orderwire signal or the orderwire (pcm
(2) To Handset H-156/U receive through IC
bypass) signal passes through contacts of relay K1 on
amplifier A2 and filter FL1 on 1A13A4.
1A13A3 and is distributed as follows:
(3) To Transmitter, T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V)
(1) To the loudspeaker through IC amplifiers
through IC amplifiers A5 and A4, filter FL1 and
Al and A2 on 1A13A4, the speaker volume control on
transformer T1 on 1A13A5.
the meter panel, and IC amplifier A2 on lA13A2.
(4) To through orderwire transmit (TO
(2) To Handset H-156/U through IC amplifiers
CABLE) through IC amplifier A5 on lA13A5, and IC
Al and A2, and filter FL1 on lA13A4.
amplifier Al, filter FL1, and transformer T1 on lA13A3.
(3) To the remote telephone through IC
c. Assume that a signal is applied from Handset H-
amplifier Al on 1A13A4, IC amplifier A2 and filter FL2 on
166/U output. The signal is applied to peak limiter A
lA13A3, and hybrid transformer lA13A7TBlTl.
(integrated circuit A2) and to sidetone amplifier Q2 on
1A13A5. The output of sidetone amplifier Q2 is applied
to the handset's receive element to provide sidetone.
Change 6 2-24.16
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