| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
(3) The 2 kb/s DOW signal (fig. 2-2.2,
(1) The balanced DVOW signal at P1-R, -
waveform M) U4A-4 is retimed in U15 and applied to
L and -N is converted to TTL level in one section of
U11B-5. The 8 kHz signal is applied to U11B-4. The
U10B. Resistors R1 and R2 provide an impedance
retimed DOW signal (waveform N) at a rate of 2 kb/s
matching termination for the input line. Bias voltages
provides a logic 1 or a logic 0 at U11B-5 for four cycles
for U10B are provided through resistors R7 and R8.
of the 8 kHz (waveform L) clock. When DOW is logic 0,
The DVCLK signal at PI-M, -K and -S, and the DOW
the 8 kHz signal is passed through Exclusive OR gate
signal at P1-D, -F and -E are similarly processed by line
U11B unchanged. When DOW is logic 1, the 8 kHz
receivers U10A and U4A, providing TTL level outputs at
signal appears at U11C-8 inverted. The output at U11C-
U10A-4 and U4A-4. The TTL level OVOW signal is
8 is designated CONDITIONED DOW (waveform P). In
applied to the second section of U10B. If the OW SEL
converting the DOW signal into the CONDITIONED
switch is in the ANLG position, the AVOW/DVOW signal
DOW signal, each bit in the DOW signal is converted to
(P1-5) is high (AVOW active) and Vcc through R13
four cycles of the 8 kHz signal. In the CONDITIONED
applies a high at pin 9 of inverter U7D.
DOW signal, logic 0's and logic 1's of the DOW signal
AVOW/DVOW (U7D-8) signal is then low (AVOW
are distinguishable; the 8 kHz signal is inverted for logic
active) and operation of module A1 is inhibited. The
1 but not for logic 0.
signal from U7D-8 is applied to U10B, U10A, U15A,
U13C, and U13B. When the OW SEL switch is in the
DGTL position, the AVOW/DVOW (U7D-8) signal is
high and module A1 becomes operational This is the
The CONDITIONED DOW signal can be
condition considered in discussions of module A1 below.
viewed as a 16 kb/s signal consisting of
alternating logic 1's and logic 0's. In this
(2) The DVOW and DVOW CLK are
case, logic 0 in DOW is represented in
applied to an automatic phasing network. One-shot U1A
CONDITIONED DOW as 01010101 and logic
pin 2 is triggered by DVOW and samples the DVOW
1 as 10101010 (fig. 2-2.2, waveforms N and
clock after a delay of 12 ec. The sampling is done by
P). CONDITIONED DOW is thus viewed as
U14A. The output of U1A triggers U1B pin 10. The
consisting of alternating l's and O's, except
output of U1B pin 12 samples DVOW clock after 8 ec.
DOW transitions. For a DOW logic 0 to
The sampling is done by U148. J-K flip-flop U16A then
logic 1 transition, there are two
decides which phase of the DVOW clock the DVOW
consecutive logic 1's in the CONDITIONED
signal should be retimed with. If U14A-5 and U14B-9
DOW signal, and for a logic 1 to logic 0
are both high, the J input of U16A pin 3 is high and the
transition, there are two consecutive logic
flip-flop sets on the next filling edge of DVOW clk. If
0's (waveform P). This is the way the
U14A-6 and U16B8 are both high, the K input of U16A
CVDOW signal (multiplexed DVOW and
pin 2 is high and the flip-flop resets. Any other
CONDITIONED DOW) is analyzed for
combination of inputs causes no change to the output of
purpose of demultiplexing the CVDOW
U16A. U16A pin 5 controls whether DVOW clk is
signal (para 2-6.1).
inverter or not by U11D. U11D pin 11, 16kHz, is the
clock that is used by U15A to retime the DVOW signal
(4) The 8 kHz clock required for the
which then appears at U15A pin 5.
DOW conditioning is generated by dividing the 16 kHz
clock by 2 using
Change 6 2-16.2
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