| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
station. This configuration utilizes external equipment to
Transmit Path. Input signals (data from
process the pcm signals at the interface between radio
the DGM and orderwire from the OCU and DLED) are
sets. Two TD-203/U's (radio combiners) are connected
applied to the cable-to-radio circuits of digital data
back-to-back at the interface between radio sets to
combiner 1A12 in Transmitter, Radio T-1054(P)A/GRC-
process the FROM RADIO and TO RADIO pcm signals.
The orderwire input is either two digital
The two AN/GRC-144's are connected in the
orderwire signals (DOW and DVOW) or one analog
nonstandard radio repeater configuration by making the
orderwire signal (AVOW). When operating in the analog
orderwire mode, the AVOW signal is level adjusted in
OPERATION connections at each set's radio patch
digital data combiner 1A12 and routed to orderwire
panel. The connection bypasses digital data modem
assembly 1A13 where it is processed as described in
Also, the THRU ORDERWIRE cross
When operating in the digital
connections at the shelter patch panel and the TD-203
orderwire mode, digital orderwire signals are processed
INTERCONNECTS to the external TD-203/U's must be
only in digital data combiner 1A12; orderwire assembly
Signal processing and transmission is
1A13 processes analog orderwire signals but not digital
identical to that described in c above for the radio
orderwire. The data signal is scrambled, retimed and
repeater configuration, except that the radio-to-cable
regenerated, and the digital orderwire (DOW and
circuits in 1A12 are bypassed and pcm processing is
DVOW) signals are retimed and multiplexed into a
accomplished by the external TD-203/U's. Also, the TD-
single bitstream (CVDOW) in digital data combiner
203 INTERCONNECTS cable connections are used in
1A12. The data and CVDOW (multiplexed DOW and
DVOW) signals are then combined in a linear summing
cable connections.
For 96 channel (biter)nary)
amplifier and applied to the radio modulator circuits
operation, the applicable controls on Multiplexer TD-
through attenuator 1A3 and af-rf amplifier 1A4. When
203/U must be set for 96 channels.
operating in the analog orderwire mode, this signal is the
data signal only and the analog orderwire signal
(AVOW) comes from orderwire assembly 1A13. From
Block Diagram Descriptions of Radio Set
this point on, signal processing is the same as that
AN/GRC-144(V)3 (fig. 5-2)
described in paragraph 2-2a(1).
General. Radio Set AN/GRC144(V)3 is
Receive path. The 4.4 to 5.0 GHz rf
the radio link between the cable system and the antenna
receive signal is coupled from the antenna to Receiver,
system and it provides data and orderwire signal
Radio R-1467(P)A/GRC-144(V) through Duplexer CU-
processing and routing. Data signals from the DGM and
1891/GRC, Coupler, Directional CU-1890/GRC, RF
orderwire signals from the orderwire control unit (OCU)
INPUT waveguide connector on the R-1467(P)A/GRC-
and digital line encryption device (DLED) are processed
144(V), and associated waveguide assemblies. The rf
in the transmit direction and transmitted to the distant
input signal is amplified and demodulated in the R-
site. In the receive direction, signals from the distant
The composite data and
site are processed and routed to the DGM, DLED and
orderwire output signal is coupled to the T-
OCU. The data and orderwire signals require various
1054(P)A/GRC-144(V) through the TRAFFIC OUTPUT
processing (regeneration, descrambling, retiming,
connector on the R-1467(P)A/GRC-144(V), the
multiplexing, demultiplexing); these functions are
TRAFFIC INPUT (RCVR) connector on the T-
performed in digital data combiner 1A12. The circuits of
digital data combiner 1A12 are functionally divided into
interconnecting cable.
The combined data and
cable-to-radio for transmit direction processing and
orderwire signal is applied to the
radio-to-cable for receive direction processing (para 2-
4.1 and 2-5.1).
Change 6 2-4
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