| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
from Receiver, Radio R-1467/GRC-144 is routed
and are applied to the modulator circuits as a combined
through contacts of the relay and is amplified and
baseband signal.
The combined baseband signal
distributed to Telephone Set TA-312/PT, Handset H-
frequency modulates a 1.50 MHz carrier in the
156/U, the loudspeaker, and to 1A12 (thru ow send).
modulator circuits. This signal is translated up to the 4.4
Thus, orderwire communication is maintained when a
to 5.0 GHz band and is applied to the antenna through
pcm traffic failure occurs.
the RF OUTPUT waveguide connector on the T-
1054/GRC-144, Switch, Waveguide SA-1679/GRC,
Diplexer CU-1891/GRC, and associated waveguide
assemblies. A portion of the rf output from the T-
1054/GRC-144 can be applied to Receiver, Radio R-
terminal configuration, the AN/GRC-144 is the radio link
1467/GRC-144 through the radio test set, the TEST
between the cable system and the antenna system;
OUTPUT (RCVR) connector on the T-1054/GRC-144,
however, this configuration utilizes external equipment
and Coupler, Directional OU-1890/GRC. The radio test
to process the pcm signals at the interface between
set provides a receiver test signal to check the operation
cable and Radio Set AN/GRC-144. Multiplexer TD-
of Radio Set AN/GRC-144.
203/U (radio combiner) and Multiplexer TD-204/U (cable
combiner) provide the interface between cable and
(2) Receive path. The 4.4 to 5.0 GHz rf
Radio Set AN/GRC-144, by regenerating and retiming
receive signal is coupled from the antenna to Receiver,
the pcm signals. Radio Set AN/GRC-144 is connected
Radio R-1467/GRC-144 through Diplexer CU-191/GRC,
in the nonstandard cable terminal configuration by
Coupler, Directional OU-1890/GRC, RF INPUT
waveguide connector on the R-1467/GRC-144, and
MODE OF OPERATION connection at the radio patch
associated waveguide assemblies. The rf input signal is
panel in Transmitter, Radio T-1054/GRC-144. This
amplified and demodulated in the R-1467/GRC144.
connection bypasses digital data modem 1A12. Two
The composite pcm and orderwire output signal is
Multiplexer TD-204/U's with separate cable systems
coupled to the T-1054/GRC-144 through the TRAFFIC
must be connected to Multiplexer TD-203/U for 96
OUTPUT connector on the R-1467/GRC-144, the
channel (biternary) operation. The transmit (cable-to-
TRAFFIC INPUT (RCVR) connector on the
radio) and receive (radio to-cable) signal paths through
TJ1054/GRC-144, and an associated interconnecting
the external pcm processing equipment and the
cable. The combined pcm and orderwire signal is
AN/GRC-144 are described in the following
applied to the radio-to-cable circuits of digital data
modem 1A12 through orderwire assembly 1A13 and the
radio patch panel. The pcm and orderwire signals are
(1) Transmit path. The cable system
separated in the radio-to-cable circuits. The distorted
input signal consisting of pcm and orderwire is applied
pcm signal is reshaped, retimed, and reformatted for
to the FROM CABLE input of the TD-204/U (cable
cable system compatibility. The separated orderwire
combiner) where the pcm and orderwire signals are
signal (recovered ow) and an orderwire sensing signal
separated. The pcm signal is reshaped and retimed and
(recovered ow sense) are sent back from the radio-to-
applied to the TD-203/U (radio combiner). The pcm
cable circuits of 1A12 to 1A13 through the radio patch
signal is converted to a level compatible with Radio Set
panel. For normal conditions, the recovered ow sense
AN/GRC-144 and is coupled from the TD-203/U to
signal, generated in the radio-to-cable circuits, keeps a
attenuator assembly 1A3 in the T-1054/GRC-144
relay in 1A13 energized allowing the recovered ow
through the TO RADIO connectors and associated cable
signal to be amplified and distributed to the remote
and the radio patch panel. The FROM CABLE orderwire
phone, Handset H-166/ U, the loud speaker, and back to
signal is routed (send ow) to 1A13 through the PATCH
1A12 (thru ow send). The thru ow send signal is
THRU connector on the TD-204/U, the HANDSET
combined with the regenerated pcm signal and the cable
connector on the T-1054/GRC-144, and the associated
direct current in the radio-to-cable circuits of 1A12. The
cable. The send voice signal is amplified in 1A13 and
combined pcm/orderwire/dc signal is applied to the
distributed to Telephone Set TA312/PT, thru ow send
cable system through the TO CABLE connector on the
terminals, Headset Microphone H-91A/U on Multiplexer
T-1054/GRC-144. If a pcm traffic failure is detected in
TD-204/U, and to attenuator assembly 1A3 (to radio
the radio-to-cable circuits of 1A12, the recovered ow
sense signal causes the relay in 1A13 to become
deenergized. For this condition, the orderwire signal
Change 6 2-2.1/(2-2.2 blank)
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