| ![]() TM 11-5820-556-24P
tered in the first and second positions of the Uniform
1. Scope
SMR Code format as follows:
This manual lists spares and repair parts; special tools;
PA-- Item procured and stocked for anticipated or
special test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment
known usage.
(TMDE), and other special support equipment required
PD-- Support item, excluding support equipment, pr o-
for performance of organizational, direct support, and
cured for initial issue or outfitting and stocked
general support maintenance of the AN/TRC-1 12. It
only for subsequent or additional initial issues
authorizes the requisitioning and issue of spares and
or outfittings Not subject to automatic reple n-
repair parts as indicated by the source and maintenance
MD-- Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the
depot maintenance level.
2. General
XD-- A support item that is not stocked. When r e-
quired, item will be procured through normal
This Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided into
supply channels.
the following sections:
and repair parts authorized for use in the performance
Cannibalization or salvage may be
of maintenance. The list also includes parts which must
used as a source of supply for any
be removed for replacement of the authorized parts.
items source coded above except
Parts lists are composed of functional groups in n u-
those coded XA and aircraft support
meric sequence, with the parts in each group listed in
items as restricted by AR 750-1.
figure and item number sequence.
b. Section III. Special Tools List. Not applicable.
(2) Maintenance code . Maintenance codes are
c. Section IV. National Stock Number and Part
assigned to indicate the levels of maintenance autho r-
Number Index. A list, in National item identification
ized to USE and REPAIR support items. The maint e-
number (NIIN) sequence, of all National stock nu m-
nance codes are entered in the third and fourth pos i-
bers (NSN) appearing in the listings, followed by a list,
tions of the Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
in alphanumeric sequence, of all part numbers appea r-
(a) The maintenance code entered in the third
ing in the listings. National stock numbers and part
position will indicate the lowest maintenance level
numbers are cross-referenced to each illustration figure
authorized to remove, replace, and use the support
and item number appearance.
item. The maintenance code entered in the third pos i-
tion will indicate one of the following levels of maint e-
3. Explanation of Columns
a. Illustration. This column is divided as follows:
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure number
C-- Crew or operator maintenance performed within
of the illustration on which the item is shown.
organizational maintenance.
(2) Item number. The number used to identify
O-- Support item is removed, replaced, used at the o r-
item called out in the illustration.
ganizational level.
b. Source Maintenance, and Recoverability (SMR)
F-- Support item is removed, replaced, used at the d i-
rect support level.
(1) Source code . Source codes indicate the
(b) The maintenance code entered in the
manner of acquiring support items for maintenance,
fourth position indicates whether the item is to be r e-
repair, or overhaul of end items. Source codes are e n-
paired and identifies the lowest maintenance level
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