| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
Hz. If not, adjust capacitor C147 (fig. 3-100) on the top
g. 550- to 750-kHz Filter Test.
of the module to obtain this reading.
(1) Attach clips to the leads of a 0.01
(21) Repeat step (14) except place switch S2
microfarad capacitor and install it from the outer case of
on the front of the test fixture to 8.0 and verify that the
variable capacitor C131 (fig. 3-100) to chassis ground
output frequency is 620,000.00 1.0 Hz. If not, adjust
(module drive end plate).
capacitor C149 (fig. 3-100) on the top of the module to
(2) Attach clips to the leads of a second 0.01
obtain this reading.
microfarad capacitor and connect it between the signal
(22) Repeat step (14) except place switch S2
generator and transformer T3 at its junction with C165
on the front of the test fixture to 9.0 and verify that the
and R147.
output frequency is 610,000.00 1.0 Hz. If not, adjust
(3) Connect the oscilloscope vertical input
capacitor C151 (fig. 3-100) on the top of the module to
and the frequency counter to jack J4 (fig. 3-100) and
obtain this reading.
f. 601- to 700-kHz Filter Test.
800-kHz. Observe the frequency at which maximum
output occurs and set the signal generator output to
(1) Connect the oscilloscope vertical input
provide 1.0 volt peak-to-peak at jack J4.
and the frequency counter to jack J1 (fig. 3-100).
(4) Set the output frequency of the signal
(2) On the test fixture, set switches S1 and
generator to 500 kHz, and verify that the output
S2 to O and OO respectively and verify that the
amplitude does not exceed 0.2 volt peak-to-peak.
waveform amplitude is 1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and
the output frequency is 700 kHz.
(5) Set the output frequency of the signal
generator to 525 kHz, and verify that the output
(3} Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 1 and 1.0 respectively
amplitude does not exceed 0.7 volt peak-to-peak.
and verify that the waveform amplitude is 1.1 0.2 volts
peak-to-peak and the output frequency is 689 kHz.
(6) Set the output frequency of the signal
generator to 550 kHz, and verify that the output
(4) Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 2 and 2.0
amplitude remains between 0.3 and 1.0 volt peak-to-
respectively and verify that the waveform amplitude is
1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and the output frequency is
678 kHz.
(7) Repeat step (6) with the signal generator
set to 575 kHz.
(5) Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 3 and 3.0
respectively and verify that the waveform amplitude is
(8) Repeat step (6) with the signal generator
1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and the output frequency is
set to 600 kHz.
667 kHz.
(9) Repeat step (6) with the signal generator
(6) Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 4 and 4.0
set to 625 kHz.
respectively and verify that the waveform amplitude is
(10) Repeat step (6) with the signal generator
1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and the output frequency is
set to 650 kHz.
656 kHz.
(11) Repeat step (6) with the signal generator
(7) Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 5 and 5.0
set to 675 kHz.
respectively and verify that the waveform amplitude is
(12) Repeat step (6) with the signal generator
1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and the output frequency is
set to 700 kHz.
645 kHz.
(13) Repeat step (6) with the signal generator
(8) Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 6 and 6.0
set to 725 kHz.
respectively and verify that the waveform amplitude is
(14) Set the output frequency of the signal
1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and the output frequency is
generator to 750 kHz, and verify that the output
634 kHz.
amplitude does not exceed 0;7 volt peak-to-peak.
(9) Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 7 and 7.0
(15) Set the output frequency of the signal
respectively and verify that the waveform amplitude is
generator to 800 kHz, and verify that the output
1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and the output frequency is
amplitude does not exceed 0.2 volt peak-to-peak.
623 kHz.
h. Frequency Discriminator Test
(10) Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 8 and 8.0
(1) Disconnect the 0.01 microfarad capacitor
respectively and verify that the waveform amplitude is
from the outer case of variable capacitor C131 to
1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and the output frequency is
chassis ground installed in step g (1)
612 kHz.
(2) Verify that the signal generator is
(11) Rotate switches S1 and S2 to 9 and 9.0
connected to the junction of T3-C165-R147 (fig. 3-56)
respectively and verify that the waveform amplitude is
with the 0.01 microfarad capacitor. and connect the
1.1 0.2 volts peak-to-peak and the output frequency is
oscilloscope to jack J4 (fig. 3-14) and the multimeter to
601 kHz.
jack J5 (fig. 3-15) on the module.
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