| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
printed circuit, a suitable conventional wire may be
(b) Prepare a bonding material by
soldered to the circuit to bridge the area of a crack.
mixing equal quantities of epoxy sealing compound
Standoff terminals or eyelets may be added to facilitate
(FSN 8030-589-8477, 1/2 pt.) and hardener (FSN
connection of component leads provided the circuit is
8030543-2587, 1/2 pt.). Mix only enough to do the
not altered.
immediate Job since it cannot be retained for later use.
(3) If an area of the printed circuit has lifted
(c) Press the circuit net and apply the
from the board without cracking, and for a length of not
bonding agent so that it extends about 1/16-inch beyond
more than one inch, the printed circuit can be fastened
the raised circuit in all directions.
back to the board as follows:
(d) Permit the bonding agent to air dry
(a) Clean the raised area of the circuit
for at least 24 hours before using the card or doing
with technical acetone, FSN 6810-184-4795 (one
further work on the circuit.
3-10. General
(3) Carefully lower the case over the
electronic equipment chassis until the six screw holes in
The tools required for removal of modules are included
the bottom of it are properly aligned to permit insertion
in Tool Kit, Radar and Radio Repair, TK87/U. Module
of the screws. Install the six screws and tighten
retaining screws are shown in figure 3-86. Before
removing Signal Data Translator CV-1377A/PRC-47
(4) Invert the unit to its normal operating
(A3) or Oscillator Control C-4311/PRC-47 (A7), set the
position and install Panel Cover CW-647/PRC-47;
KILOCYCLES indicator on the front panel of RT-671
tighten the six attaching screws.
/PRC-47 to 2000. This is necessary to align the drive
shaft couplings of these modules in a vertical position so
3-12. Removal and Replacement of Plug-in Modules
that the modules can be easily removed from the
chassis without coupling damage.
High voltages are present in the
circuits associated with Signal Data
Before removing any equipment
Translator CV-1377A/PRC-47, Power
cover or module from Radio
Supply PP-3618/PRC-47, and the
Receiver-Transmitter RT-671 /PRC-
power amplifier compartment. These
47, disconnect all power from the
voltages are dangerous and can
cause personal injury or death.
Removal and Replacement of Receiver-
terminals on the main chassis (J1-A1
Transmitter Case
and J1-A2) to discharge the
a. Removal.
(1) Loosen the six screws that secure Panel
maintenance within the chassis or
Cover CW-647/PRC-47 to the RT-671/PRC-47; remove
inside any module.
the cover.
(2) Invert the RT-671/PRC-47 so that it rests
a. General. Before loosening the module retaining
face down on the handles attached to the front panel.
screws (fig. 3-86), remove the upper module stiffeners
(3) Loosen and remove the six screws on the
bottom of the case that secure the case to Electrical
chassis, loosen the captive hardware and carefully lift
Equipment Chassis CH-474/PRC-47.
the module from the chassis connector. The following
detailed procedures apply to all plug-in modules of
(4) Carefully lift the case from the receiver-
Radio Receiver-Transmitter RT-671/PRC-47.
b. Removal.
b. Replacement.
(1) Invert RT-671/PRC-47 to expose the main
(1) Invert the Radio Receiver-Transmitter RT-
chassis components and wiring.
671/PRC-47 so that it rests on the handles attached to
the front panel.
(2) Loosen the four captive screws Five for
Signal Data Translator CV-1377A/PRC-47, and two
(2) Clean the interior of the case to remove
each for Amplifier-Modulator AM-3507/PRC-47 and
any accumulated dust or dirt.
Radio Frequency Oscillator O-
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