| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
c. Sectionalizing. The AN/PRC-47 consists of a
receiver-transmitter, storage batteries, antenna systems,
handset, headset, telegraph key. loudspeaker, and
Avoid contact with the high-voltage
interconnecting cables.
In all probability the
circuits and the antenna terminal of
organizational level will have eliminated most of the
the radio transmitter-receiver while
accessory items as possible trouble sources and the
receiver-transmitter will remain for the direct support
personal injury may
maintenance technician. Substitution of a suspected
accessory item or a receiver-transmitter subassembly
(module} with one of known integrity will often eliminate
3-1. Scope
a tedious series of detailed checks and measurements.
a. General.
The troubleshooting procedures
The operational tests described in the intermediate
outlined in this section are to be performed at the direct
preventive maintenance checks and services portion of
support (DS) maintenance level.
TM 11-5820-509-12 will aid the maintenance technician
troubleshooting procedures for the radio set beginning at
to sectionalize the source of trouble at this maintenance
the operational level which are described in TM 11-
The operational tests listed in the
preventive maintenance checks and service charts
d. Localizing.
Once the trouble has been
enable the organizational maintenance technician to
sectionalized to a functional unit or group of circuits, the
sectionalize some types of malfunction to specific
next step is to localize it to a specific circuit within this
functional units of the radio set. Additional test facilties
area. In the case of the receiver-transmitter, the steps
and special maintenance equipment are available at the
required to isolate the malfunction are relatively difficult
direct support level that provide more conclusive test
because of the complexity and interdependency of the
results for sectionalizing the problem within a unit.
circuits involved. These steps are supplemented by the
Once the trouble has been sectionalized, the functional
following general procedures.
nature of the problem (whether audio, control, etc) will
enable the maintenance technician to further isolate the
malfunction to a particular circuit or component. When
(1) Observation. Observation involves a thorough
the sectionalizing test results indicate a malfunction
understanding of the receiver-transmitter, circuits and
within the receiver-transmitter subassembly, the delayed
may include such subjects as whether the fault occurs
trouble-iso1ation procedures shown in Section II should
only during the transmit mode, whether the problem
be observed.
occurs only at certain frequencies, or whether the
problem occurs only in the voice mode.
b. Organization. The first step in servicing a
defective radio set is to sectionalize the fault to a
(2) Troubleshooting Chart.
The troubleshooting
specific unit or section of the equipment. In complex
charts contained in Section II assist the technician in
equipments consisting of more than one functional unit
performing bench tests on the radio.
or inter-related circuitry, the fault must first be isolated
instrumentation used for the bench tests assists the
to a specific unit or group of circuits within a functional
technician in performing operational evaluation of the
unit. Once this has been accomplished, isolation to a
equipment without providing cumbersome antennas and
specific circuit and then to a component level may be
difficult test setups.
pursued. It is seldom possible to observe a symptom,
diagnose the cause, and immediately locate the
(3) Special Tests.
Special tests including
defective part unless a part shows obvious physical
resistance and continuity measurements, signal tracing
Generally it is necessary to perform a
techniques and signal waveform displays
sequence of operational checks, observations, and
measurements before the problem components are
isolated. This sequence of steps is called sectionalizing,
localizing, and fault isolation.
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