| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
all of the supply voltage appears across C26 so that the
C21, Hartley oscillator Q5 is enabled and an output of
base of Q6 is near ground potential and it remains cut
approximately 800 Hz is obtained. The oscillator output,
off. When the audio input level exceeds the threshold
or the voice audio from microphone amplifier Q1, is
value, however, the base of vex amplifier Q7 is biased
applied to audio amplifier Q3. The resulting amplified
more positively and this transistor conducts.
output from Q3 is limited by CR5-CR6 and then applied
amount of conduction is limited only by the amount of
to output amplifier Q4 through microphone amplifier
negative feedback in the loop from the collector of Q7
gain control R27 This control is a screwdriver
through C26, through the base-emitter junction of Q6,
adjustment that establishes the maximum transmit audio
and back to the base of Q7. As Q7 begins to conduct,
output level at the secondary of transformer T2 and
the negative charge on the base of Q6 rapidly
connector P1-22. A portion of the output from Q4 is
disappears as C26 discharges through the low forward-
also applied to vex detector CR7-CR8 through vox gain
resistance of CR9. At a point on the discharge curve of
control R40. The resulting positive voltage controls the
C26, however, transistor Q6 reaches cutoff, the
conduction of vox amplifiers Q6 and Q7. When a
negative feedback path to Q7 is opened, and transistor
minimum threshold voltage is available at the output of
Q7 immediately switches to full conduction. As this
CR7-CR8, as determined by the output level of Q4 and
occurs, vex relay K1 is operated through the ground
the setting of vox gain control R40, transistors Q6-Q7
supplied by the collector-emitter junction of Q7. When
conduct and relay Kl is energized. The time required to
audio input disappears, or the level drops below the
close the vox relay following application of an audio
threshold established by the circuit, a more negative
signal to the input of the vox detector is called the attack
potential is applied to the base of Q7, and it is driven
time. Similarly, the time required for the vox relay to
toward cutoff. Total and immediate cutoff is prevented
release after removal of the audio signal from the input
by the presence of a small positive voltage in the
of the vex detector is called the release, or dropout,
feedback loop, but as C26 charges, a point is reached
time. A fast attack, slow release characteristic is
on the charge curve where nearly all the supply voltage
obtained by suitably selecting capacitor C26 and resistor
again appears across this capacitor. The base of Q6
R43, in association with diode CR9 When the audio
again approaches ground, transistor Q7 is again cut off,
input level is below the vox threshold, C26 charges
and vox relay Kl releases.
through Q6 and R43. When fully charged, nearly
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