| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
26.5-volt dc source is desired, Storage Battery BB-
operation is desired, Telegraph Key J-45 is connected to
451/U or a suitable dc generator set may be used. The
the AUDIO connector of RT-671/PRC-47. This device
power supply circuits of the RT-671/PRC-47 provide
keys an oscillator in the receiver-transmitter circuits that
high-power dc voltages for the transmitter circuits, and
produces an audio tone. This modulating signal, or the
low-power potentials for the receiver circuits and for
voice input signal from the handset microphone or the
control purposes.
fsk unit, is amplified in the AM-3506/PRC-47 A1), and is
mixed in the AM-3507/PRC-47 (A2) with a 500-kHz
2-4. General Description
standard signal to produce a double-sideband,
a The transmit signal path through the receiver-
suppressed carrier signal. With the undesired sideband
transmitter circuits of the radio set is shown by the solid
and the carrier signals greatly attenuated, the remaining
lines of figure 2-2. The transmit audio signal is applied
singlesideband signal is heterodyned to the desired hf
to the input of the microphone amplifier where it is
radio channel in the CV-1377A/PRC-47 (A3} by mixing it
amplified and compressed before application to other
with the hf oscillator signal from the frequency control
circuits in the AN/PRC-47. When continuous wave (cw)
circuits. This rf signal is then amplified by the driver
telegraphy is required, the telegraph key is connected to
stage and the power amplifier and then applied to the
an 800-Hz audio oscillator. The output of this circuit is a
antenna system. A portion of the transmitter audio is
single audio tone that is present when the telegraph key
returned to the connected audio output device as a
is closed. This signal is amplified by circuits in the
sidetone signal to permit monitoring during these
microphone amplifier. The amplified voice audio (or
transmit periods.
tone) from the microphone amplifier circuit is routed to
the vox circuit, the audio output amplifier, and to the
balanced modulator. The vox (voice-operated-transmit}
b. During receive periods the receiver transmitter
circuit generates a control voltage that switches the
circuits process the incoming signal using some of the
radio set from the receive mode to the transmit mode
identical circuits just mentioned in connection with the
when audio signals are present in the microphone
transmit function. This receive signal is heterodyned to
amplifier output. The audio output amplifier receives a
an intermediate frequency near 500 kHz and then it is
sidetone signal when the transmit mode is enabled.
demodulated to recover the desired audio component.
This sidetone is amplified and routed to the earphone
The audio signal is then applied to the connected audio
(or other audio output device) and permits monitoring
output device. The receiver output is controlled by the
the transmitted signal. The transmit audio is mixed in
VOLUME control on the front panel of RT-671/PRC-47.
the balanced modulator with a 500-kHz standard signal
This control permits adjustment of the receiver output
from the frequency control circuits. The out-put of the
for a comfortable listening level with the earphone of
balanced modulator is a double-sideband signal with the
Handset H-33G/PT, with Headset H-233, or with
amplitude of the 500-kHz standard signal greatly
loudspeaker LS-166/U. It also permits adjustment of
reduced. This intermediate (if.) frequency signal is
the input level to the external fsk unit, if connected.
amplified and then applied to a bandpass filter where
the upper sideband and the carrier are further
c. The frequency control circuits provide two highly
attenuated but the lower sideband is permitted to pass
stable signals that are used in the receiver transmitter
on the remaining if. amplifier stages. The amplified
circuits to generate hf singlesideband transmit signals
lower-sideband signal is applied to the transmit mixer
and to demodulate these signals to obtain audio output
where it is combine with a 2.5 to 12.499-MHz hf
in the receive mode. The 500-kHz standard signal is
oscillator signal from the frequency control circuits.
fixed-tuned and applied to the balanced modulator
The difference frequency (2.0to 11.999-MHz) present in
circuit of the transmitter and to the product detector
the output of the transmit mixer is amplified by the rf
circuit of the receiver. The 2.5 to 12.499-MHz hf
amplifier and driver stages and by the power amplifier
oscillator signal is tunable in 1-kHz steps to provide
and is applied to the antenna system through the t/r
transmitter output in the hf range between 2.0-11.999-
b. The receive signal path through the receiver-
d. The power supply circuits provide all operating
transmitter circuits of the AN/PRC-47 is shown by the
voltages required by the AN/PRC-47.
dashed lines in figure 2-2. The
These potentials are derived from either a 26.5 volt dc
or a 115-volt, 400-Hz ac primary power source. If the
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