| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
Except for RT-671/PRC-47, the other functional
2-1. System Applications
equipments are considered accessory items and these
a. Radio Set AN/PRC-47 provides singlesideband
are each discussed in the several optional
voice (usb only), continuous wave (cw) telegraphy, and
configurations as they effect the general theory. Since
frequency shift keying (fsk) teletypewriter modes of
the radio set is a compact, modularized, portable
ground radio communication in the high frequency (hf)
transceiver, many of the circuits and devices used for
spectrum from 2.000 to 11.999-MHz and is operationally
transmitting are also used for receiving. These circuits
compatible with the AN/TRC-75 and similar radio
are described as part of the applicable signal function
equipment. The radio set is a two-man team, pack-
and appear in the appropriate block diagram for that
transportable, transmitter-receiver that is contained in
transportable carrying cases. It includes an antenna
system and all necessary accessory items for telegraph
and telephone operation but does not include an fsk
b. The discussion relating to the theory of
input/output device or teletypewriter machines. The
operation and the maintenance requirements for the
transmitter provides 100 watts peak-enveloppower (pep)
AN/PRC-47 include reference designators that describe
output when operating singlesideband, and when
the module, the circuit stage, and the component part of
equipped with a suitable blower/converter, such as CV-
the circuit being discussed in the equipment. These
2455/PRC-47, will provide 100 watts average power in
reference designators are assigned in accordance with
teletypewriter service.
The receiver provides a
MIL-STD-16B, and an understanding of this
minimum power output of 50 milliwatts from an input
identification method will assist in locating individual
signal of 2.0 microvolts for a 10-dB signal-plus-noise to
components within the overall equipment. For example,
noise ratio.
reference designator AIC1 refers to capacitor number
b. Radio Set AN/PRC-47
one in modular assembly A8A1. Radio Receiver-
implemented for push-to-talk (ptt) operation. A field
Transmitter RT-671/PRC-47 (A8) contains the following
modification can be easily accomplished in Electrical
Equipment Chassis Ch-474/PRC-47 that converts the
equipment for voice-operated transmit (vox) operation.
This vox option is implemented by strapping pin 11
(push-to-talk) to pin 20 (vox) at connector JI (Power
Audio Frequency Amplifier AM-3506/PRC-47
Supply PP3318/PRC-47, module A5). The discussion
Amplifier-Modulator AM-3507/PRC-47
below assumes that this option is implemented: In the
Signal Data Translator CV-1377A/PRC-47
absence of this modification, only push-to-talk (ptt)
Electrical Equipment Chassis CH-474/PRC-47
Power Supply PP-3518/PRC-47
operation is possible and reference to the vox mode and
Radio Frequency Oscillator 0-1032/PRC-47
to the circuit description for the vox amplifier and relay
Oscillator Control C-4311/PRC-47
driver stages may be ignored.
Panel Cover CW-647/PRC-47
2-2. Block Diagram Explanations
2-3. Overall Block Diagram
a. This section presents the general theory of
a. Figure 2-1 is an overall block diagram for Radio Set
operation for Radio Set AN/PRC-47 on a block diagram
AN/PRC-47 that shows the relationship between the
The general theory first describes the
several modules of Radio Receiver-Transmitter RT-
relationships between the six major functional areas of
671/PRC-47 and the external accessory items. The RT-
the equipment. These areas are: the audio input
671/PRC-47 contains the electronics that provide
devices, the cw telegraph key, the audio output devices,
singlesideband voice, continuous wave (cw) telegraphy,
the external power sources, the antenna system, and
the Radio Receive Transmitter RT-671/PRC-47 (A8).
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