| ![]() the 0A-3633/GRC. The power distribution
energized, the ground is removed
when a BA-386/PRC-25 is used is similar
from contact 2 of K3 and applied
except that a shorting cap is installed on
to contact 3 of K3 to allow the audio
J3 and the BA-386/PRC-25 is connected to
output of module A25 to be applied
J4 (fig. 88).
to the handset. Relay K3 is ener-
gized by the squelch relay driver
switch S1 is at ON, and the handset push-
stage (Q5) in module A24.
to-talk button is not depressed, the RT -
505/PRC-25 will receive. The input volt-
switch S1 is at ON and the handset push-
age from the primary power source is
to-talk switch is pressed, the transmitter
applied through connector J3.
circuits are activated. When the push-to-
(1) The input voltage from connector
talk button is pressed, the control circuits
of relays K1 and K2 are completed.
J3E (+12.5 volts) is connected to
(1) The input voltage from connector
contact 2 of S1 (rear). The +12.5
volts is applied through contacts of
J 3 E (+12.5 volts) is applied,
switch S1 (rear) and connector
through contacts 8 and 3 of relay
A16J1C to the input of module A16.
K2, to dc-to-dc converter module
Al. Module Al has two dc output
Regulated +10 volts from module
A16 is applied through connector
voltages, +125 and -45, which are
A16J1F and the individual module
used only for transmission. The
connectors to modules A14 and A15
+12 5-volt output (from A1J1B) is
applied to the plate circuit of the
through A16J1A to modules A9,
A10, A11, A17, A18, and A25. Test
transmitter power amplifier
switches S2 and S3 are in series
through terminal 2 of assembly
A29. The - 4 5 - v o l t bias (from
with the voltages supplied to mod-
A1J1F) is applied directly to the
ule Al0. Regulated +10 volts is
supplied from module A18 through
control grid circuit of assembly
contacts C of J14 and D of J18 to
A29 and to module A6; it is also
module A12. Regulated +10 volts
applied to module A7 through choke
is also applied from J11A through
filter L2 (in A30), contacts 4 and
(2) Filament voltage for transmitter
power amplifier V1 is applied from
6 of transmit-receive relay K1,
and choke L4 to module A5; from
the input connector J3-H through
contacts 4 and 7 of relay K2 toter-
contact 6 of K1 to module A21, and
minal 4 of assembly A29.
from contact 6 of K1 through choke
(3) The input voltage to A16 is applied
L3 to module A3. Relay K1 opens
from connector J3-E through func-
these circuits during transmis-
tion switch S1 to input connector
sion. When function switch S1 is at
A16J1-C. The regulated +10-volt
SQUELCH, regulated +10 volts is
applied from J11A through contacts
output of A16 is coupled from J11A
4 and 3 of S1 (front) to module A24.
through inductor L2 (in A30) to con-
tact 4 of relay K1. With relay K1
This circuit is opened when switch
energized (on transmit), the regu-
S 1 is at positions other than
lated +10 volts is transferred to
contact 7 of K1 and is applied
(2) When at SQUELCH, a ground is
through inductor L4 to modules A8,
connected through contacts 8 and
A10, A20, A22, and A23. The regu-
10 of switch S1 (front) and through
lated +10 volts ts is applied from
contacts 8 and 2 of deenergized
module A16 through J11A direct to
relay K3 to terminal 9 of mother
modules A9, A10, A17, and A18 and
board A27. This condition grounds
from J11F to modules A14 and A15
the output of module A25, which
when both on transmission and re-
prevents audio signals from being
applied to the handset. When K3 is
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