| ![]() 106. Miscellaneous System Tests and In-
b. Inspection.
spection, Radio Set AN/PRC-25
(1) Perform the inspection procedure as a
final step before replacing the RT-505/
a. Tests.
PRC-25 case.
(2) Inspect the RT-505/PRC-25 PRESET
(1) Perform the miscellaneous system tests
knobs. Operate the elements of the presetting
with the equipment connected in a standard
feature to assure moper operation.
transmitter test setup (para 103 and fig.
(3) Inspect the gasket at the rear of the front
79.8) .
panel of RT-505/PRC-25. It should be
(2) Connect Handset H-138/U to one of the
resilient, properly seated in its channel, and
AUDIO connectors on the front panel of
in general good condition.
(4) Inspect the O-ring on J4. It should be
(3) Press the H-138/U keying button and
resilient, properly seated in its channel, and in
speak into the microphone. The AN/
general good condition. When replacing
URM-43A; ME-57/U, and AN/USM-50A
the RT-505/PRC-25 case, be sure the O-
should indicate transmitter output, and
ring is not damaged and that the case is
sidetone should be heard from the earphone.
properly seated against the gasket on the
rear of the front panel. If either gasket is
(4) Connect the H-138/U to the other AUDIO
in poor" condition or not properly seated,
connector and repeat the procedure given
the unit will not be waterproof.
in (3) above.
(5) Replace the RT-505/PRC-25 in its case.
(5) Set the RT-505/PRC-25 function selector
Inspect the four captive screws before
to LITE and observe that the REC-
engaging them. Engage and tighten the
TRANS FREQUENCY dials are lighted.
captive screws.
Page 167, figure 88. Make the following changes:
(6) With the ME-26B/U, measure the terminal
Near switches S2 and S3 add: (Note 5).
voltages of battery connector J4. Voltage
After note 4, add note 5:
measurements between terminals and
ground should be 0 volt at terminal A, 12.5
No. 64009-PP-63, SWITCHES S2 and S3
volts at terminal B, and 2.5 volts at
terminal C.
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