| ![]() 75.40, 75.50, 75.60, 75.70, 75.80, and 75.95
(9) Repeat the procedures given in (7) and
(8) above except increase the RF output
70 db to determine the 70-db-down
Repeat frequency check ((5) above) in
points. The 70-db-down points should be
reverse order (75.95 mc first).
Turn the megacycles control from 75 to 53,
less than 120-kc apart.
(l0) Search 50 kc beyond the 70-db-down points
then back to 75, and repeat the procedures
given in (2), (3), and (4) above.
for spurious responses. Detected spurious re-
Return the RT-505/PRC-25 to 75.00 mc,
sponses should not be above the -70-dblevel.
Note. The receiver system tests are now
set power supply A to 2.25 volts, power
completed. Perform the procedures indicated in
supply B to 10.00 volts, and repeat the
paragraph 103 before proceeding.
procedures given in (2) through (5) above.
Return the RT-505/PRC-25 to 75.00 mc,
105. Transmitter System Tests, Radio Set
set power supply A to 3.0 volts, power
supply B to 15.00 volts, and repeat the
procedures given in (2) through (5) above.
a. Power Output Test.
Evaluate the test results.
(1) Perform the power output test with the
acceptable frequency inaccuracy is 3.5
equipment connected in a standard trans-
kc for all tests.
mitter test setup (para 103 and fig. 79.8),
except set the HP-200AB output level to
c. Tone Oscillator Frequency and Modulation Tests.
zero and the RT-505/PRC-25 frequency to
(1) Perform the tone oscillator frequency and
30.00 mc.
modulation tests with the equipment con-
(2) Set the test assembly TRANSMITTER
nected in a standard transmitter test setup
CARRIER switch to ON.
(para 103 and fig. 79.8) except set the
(3) Record the frequency and power output
HP-200AB output level to zero, connect
indicated by the AN/USM-26 and AN/
test cable No. 6 from the AN/USM-26
URM-43A respectively.
input to the ME-57/U audio output, and
(4) Set the test assembly TRANSMITTER
set the AN/USM-26 for a 10-second count.
CARRIER switch to OFF.
(2) Set the test assembly TRANSMITTER
(5) Repeat the procedures given in (2), (3),
CARRIER switch to ON.
and (4) above at 42.00, 52.95, 53.00, 65.00,
(3) Record the deviation indicated by the
and 75.95 mc.
ME-57/U and the frequency indicated by
(6) Evaluate the test results.
the AN/USM-26.
acceptable power output is 1.6 watts on
(4) Set the test assembly TRANSMITTER
the low-frequency band (30.00 to 52.95 mc)
CARRIER switch to OFF.
and 1.1 watts on the high-frequency band
(5) Evaluate the test results. Acceptable
(53.00 to 75.95 me).
deviation is 3 kc 0.5 kc and acceptable
b. Frequency Accuracy Test.
frequency is 150 cps 1.5 cps (in a 10-
(1) Perform the frequency accuracy test with
second count).
the equipment connected in a standard
transmitter test setup (para 103 and fig.
d. Modulation Capability and Deviation Tests.
79.8), except set the HP-200AB output
(1) Perform the modulation capability and
level to zero., and the RT-505/PRC-25
deviation tests with the equipment con-
frequency to 75.00 mc.
nected in a standard transmitter test setup
(2) Set the test assembly TRANSMITTER
(para 103 and fig. 79.8), except set the
CARRIER switch to ON.
RT-505/PRC-25 frequency to 47.00 mc,
(3) Record the selected frequency (from the
ground A23J3 with test cable No. 1, and
R T - 5 0 5 / P R C - 2 5 REC-TRANS FRE-
adjust the HP-200AB output (and, as
QUENCY indicators) and the output fre-
quency as indicated by the AN/USM-26.
INPUT LEVEL control for a 1.4-millivolt
(4) Set the test assembly TRANSMITTER
reading on the ME-30A/U.
CARRIER switch to OFF.
(2) S e t the test assembly Transmitter
(5) Repeat the procedures given in (2), (3),
CARRIER switch to ON.
and (4) above at 75.05, 75.10, 75.20, 73.30,
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