| ![]() 101. General Test Requirements
b. Connect a test cable No. 7 from ground of
power supply A (2.5 volts) to terminal D of test
Most of the tests will he performed under the
assembly terminal board TB1.
conditions listed below and illustrated in figure 79.7
c. Connect a test cable No. 7 from the positive
(for the receiver system tests) and in figure 79.8 (for
output of power supply A (2.5 volts) to terminal E
the transmitter system tests). Testing will be
of test assembly terminal board TB1.
simplified if preliminary standard control settings
d. Connect a test cable No. 7 from ground of
are made initially and changes from these settings
power supply B (12.5 volts) to terminal D of test
are then made as required for the individual tests.
assembly terminal board TB1.
Perform all tests in Enclosure, Electromagnetic
e. Connect a test cable No. 7 from the positive
Shielding MX-1761/C (or equivalent). Do not
output of power supply B (12.5 volts) to terminal F
apply power to the equipment under test until all
of test assembly terminal board TB 1.
test connections are made and the power supply
f. Connect a test cable No. 4 from the AF input
output voltages are set.
terminal of TS-723A/U (shield to ground) to
Caution: When adjusting the power supply
terminals C and D (shield) of test assembly terminal
output voltages, do not exceed 3 volts and 15 volts.
board TB1.
a. Remove the shorting cap from POWER con-
g. Connect a test cable No. 4 from the audio
nector J3 on the front panel of the RT-505/PRC-25.
input terminals to the meter terminals of the TS-
b. Loosen and disengage the four captive screws
that hold the case to the front panel of RT-505/
h. Connect a test cable No. 4 from the af input
PRC-25. Remove the case.
terminals of the TS-723A/U to the vertical input
c. Connect the RT-505/PRC-25 into the appli-
of the AN/USM-50A.
cable test setup (fig. 79.7 for receiver system tests
i. Connect the receiver dummy antenna to the
and fig. 79.8 for transmitter system tests).
RT505/PRC-25 coaxial ANT jack J2. Use
d. Apply power to the RT-505/PRC-25 and
Adapter, Connector UG-491A/U for connection to
allow sufficient stabilization (warmup) time for the
ANT jack J2.
test equipment. Five minutes is adequate for the
j. Connect test cable No. 9 from the receiver
dummy antenna to the 1066A RF input.
e. All specified signal levels apply to the signal at
k. Connect test cable No. 8 from the 1066A
the RT-505/PRC-25 input and not at the signal
external modulation input to the HP-200AB
generator output. The dummy load used in the
audio output.
receiver test setup reduces the rf voltage delivered
l. Connect test cable No. 5 from the HP-200AB
at the coaxial ANT connector to half of the signal
audio output to the AN/USM-26 signal input.
generator output attenuator setting (6 db loss).
m. Do not turn on the RT-505/PRC-25. Turn on
all test equipment and allow sufficient warmup time.
for the convenience of maintenance personnel, but
n. Adjust power supply A to 2.5 volts and power
is not necessary to perform the tests. It provides a
Supply B to 12.5 volts.
convenient output indication for both receiver and
o. Set the RT-505/PRC-25 function switch to
transmitter tests.
ON and select a frequency of 41.00 mc. Allow 5
minutes to warmup.
F. M. Marconi Model 1066A (1066A) frequency to
p. Adjust the 1066A to produce an RF output of
produce minimum distortion (as read on the TS-
41.00 mc at a 20-microvolt level with 10-kc de-
723A/U) before making any readings.
viation at 1,000-cps modulation frequency.
h. To avoid audio ground loops, do not ground
Audio Oscillator Hewlett-Packard Model HP-200AB
output provides 6 db of attenuation. The actual RF level
(HP-200AB) output to the common ground at any
delivered at the RT-505/PRC-25 coaxial ANT input is
10 microvolt when the 1066A output attenuator is set to
20 microvolt.
102. Receiver Test Setup
q. Adjust the RT-505/PRC-25 VOLUME con-
(fig. 79.7)
trol to produce a l-volt reading on the TS-723A/U
(used as a vacuum-tube voltmeter).
a. Plug the test assembly connector PL into
V. Perform the receiver system tests indicated in
POWER connector J3 on the front panel of the
paragraph 104.
TAGO 8344-A
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