| ![]() s p a c e r (25), clutch flange (23),
(8) Lightly oil the bronze bearing on
clutch drum (22), and the 90-tooth
the front plate (1) with oil (OGP)
gear (21) from the shaft assembly
a n d insert shaft assembly (11)
through the front plate.
(15) Remove retaining ring (37) and re-
(9) P l a c e washer (12), clutch drum
move clutch (35) and three springs
(13), and clutch flange (14) on shaft
(36) from inside the clutch drum
assembly (11) and secure with the
hexagonal-head nut (15). Use the
(16) Loosen and remove the hexagonal-
same procedure to tighten the hex-
head nut (33) and remove clutch
agonal-head nut (15) as described
s p a c e r (34), clutch flange (32),
in (3) above.
(10) Apply a thin coating of pressure
clutch drum (31), and the 86-tooth
grease to the threads of the hexag-
gear (30) from the shaft assembly
onal-head nut (15).
(11) Mount clutch spacer (16) and clutch
(17) Remove shaft assemblies (2), (11),
(17) inside clutch drum (13).
(20), and (29) from the front plate.
(12) Mount three springs (18) inside of
(18) Remove retaining ring (64) and re-
clutch drum (13) and place retain-
move the gear assembly (63) from
ing ring (19) on shaft assembly (11).
the hub on the front plate.
(13) Lightly oil the porous bronze bear-
ing on the front plate (1) with low-
(1) Lightly oil the hub on front plate
t e m p e r a t u r e oil and insert shaft
mount gear assembly (63) on the
assembly (20) through the front
hub and secure with retaining ring
(14) Place the 90-tooth gear (21), clutch
(2) Lightly oil the bronze bearing with
drum (22), and clutch flange (23) on
oil (OGP) and insert shaft assembly
shaft assembly (20) and secure with
( 2 ) through the front plate (1).
the hexagonal-head nut (24).
Tighten the hexagonal-head nut (24
(3) Place washer (3), clutch drum (4),
w i t h 50 inch-pounds of torque.
and clutch flange (5) on shaft as-
(15) Apply a thin coating of pressure
sembly (2), and secure with hexag-
grease to the threads of the hex-
onal-head nut (6). Tighten the
agonal-head nut (24).
h e x a g o n a l - h e a d nut (6) with 50
inch-pounds of torque and check to
(16) Mount clutch spacer (25) and
clutch (26) inside the clutch drum
see if clutch assembly turns freely.
If the clutch assembly does not turn
(17) Mount the three springs (27) inside
freely, washer (3) is scored and is
the clutch drum (22) and place re-
acting as a brake. Replace washer
taining ring (28) on shaft assembly
(3). Use the torque meter and ex-
tension listed in b above.
(18) Lightly oil the bronze bearing on
(4) Apply a thin coating of Grease,
the front plate (1) with oil (OGP) and
Ordnance, extreme pressure
insert shaft assembly (29) through
(9150-209-8014) (pressure grease)
the front plate.
to the threads of the hexagonal-
(19) Place the 86-tooth gear (30), clutch
head nut (6).
drum (31), and clutch flange (32) on
(5) M o u n t clutch spacer (7) inside
shaft assembly (29) and secure with
clutch drum (4).
(6) Mount clutch (8) inside clutch drum
Tighten the hexagonal-head nut (33)
(4); position the top edge of the
with 50 inch-pounds of torque.
clutch flush with the clutch drum.
(7) Mount the three springs (9) inside
(20) Apply a coating of pressure grease
to the threads of t h e hexagonal-
of clutch drum (4) and place retain-
head nut (33).
ing ring (10) on shaft assembly (2).
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