CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER 2. PURPOSE OF INSTALLATIONCHAPTER 3. COMPLETION TIME FOR INSTALLATIONCHAPTER 4. PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATIONSection IX. C4ISR EQUIPMENT, DISTRIBUTION, AND CONSUMABLESTable 4-1. Kit Parts List for Installation of C4ISR EquipmentTable 4-1. Kit Parts List for Installation of C4ISR Equipment (Contd).Table 4-2. Non-Kit Parts List for Installation of C4ISR Equipment.Table 4-2. Non-Kit Parts List for Installation of C4ISR Equipment (Contd).Table 4-2. Non-Kit Parts List for Installation of C4ISR Equipment (Contd).Table 4-2. Non-Kit Parts List for Installation of C4ISR Equipment (Contd).CHAPTER 5. INSTALLATION PROCEDURESSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATIONSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection II. INTEGRATED RACK INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATIONSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection III. SINCGARS MOUNTING TRAY, AMP GUARD, AND FBCB2 COMPONENTS INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATIONSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IV. DAGR INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection V. BFT INSTALLATIONSection V. BFT INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection V. BFT INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection V. BFT INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection V. BFT INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection V. BFT INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection V. BFT INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection VI. EPLRS RESILIENT MOUNT AND URO MOUNTING BRACKET INSTALLATIONSection VI. EPLRS RESILIENT MOUNT AND URO MOUNTING BRACKET INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection VI. EPLRS RESILIENT MOUNT AND URO MOUNTING BRACKET INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection VII. EPLRS ANTENNA INSTALLATIONSection VIII. EPLRS CABLINGSection VIII. EPLRS CABLING - ContinuedSection VIII. EPLRS CABLING - ContinuedSection VIII. EPLRS CABLING - ContinuedSection VIII. EPLRS CABLING - ContinuedSection VIII. EPLRS CABLING - ContinuedSection VIII. EPLRS CABLING - ContinuedSection VIII. EPLRS CABLING - ContinuedSection VIII. EPLRS CABLING - ContinuedSection IX. SINCGARS ANTENNA INSTALLATIONSection IX. SINCGARS ANTENNA INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection IX. SINCGARS ANTENNA INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection X. SINCGARS CABLES INSTALLATIONSection X. SINCGARS CABLES INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection X. SINCGARS CABLES INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection X. SINCGARS CABLES INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection X. SINCGARS CABLES INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection X. SINCGARS CABLES INSTALLATION - ContinuedSection XI. VIC-3 MOUNTING INSTALLATION: FFCS/LSection XI. VIC-3 MOUNTING INSTALLATION: FFCS/L - ContinuedSection XI. VIC-3 MOUNTING INSTALLATION: FFCS/L - ContinuedSection XI. VIC-3 MOUNTING INSTALLATION: FFCS/L - ContinuedSection XI. VIC-3 MOUNTING INSTALLATION: FFCS/L - ContinuedSection XI. VIC-3 MOUNTING INSTALLATION: FFCS/L - ContinuedSection XII. DAGR POWER CABLE ROUTINGSection XII. DAGR POWER CABLE ROUTING - ContinuedSection XII. DAGR POWER CABLE ROUTING - ContinuedSection XII. DAGR POWER CABLE ROUTING - ContinuedSection XII. DAGR POWER CABLE ROUTING - Continued