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Viewing a laser source from within the beam. The beam may be direct or
specularly reflected.
A colored membrane separating the cornea and lens of the eye, responsible
for controlling the incoming light by contraction and dilation of the papillary
The power per unit area on a given surface, in units of
Wattspersquarecentimeter (W/cm2).
A spherically uniform distribution of electromagnetic energy in space. Also, a
uniform response pattern for a detection system, usually an array of three
orthogonal antennas.
Joule (J)
A unit of energy (1 Wattsecond).
A unit of radiant exposure used in measuring the amount of energy per unit
area of absorbing surface, or per unit area of a laser beam.
Acronym for "Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation." A
source of intense, coherent and directional optical radiation. It is composed
of an active lasing medium, an energy source, a resonant optical cavity, and
an output coupler.
Lens (of the eye)
Structure of the eye that serves to focus light on the retina.
Low frequency; the band of frequencies between approximately 30 and 300
Micrometer (m)
A measure of length equal to 106 meter.
Microwave (uW)
Electromagnetic frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz.
Monopole Antenna
A vertical linear antenna electrically fed at its base.
A measure of length equal to 109 meter.
Nanometer (nm)
Optical Density (OD)
A logarithmic expression for the attenuation provided by an optical
attenuating medium, such as an eye protection filter.
Exposure above the applicable exposure limit for a time period equal to or
exceeding the appropriate averaging time.
Partial Body (PB) Exposure
Refers to a nonuniform RF field exposure over the body. The limits for PB
exposure do not apply for direct exposure of the eyes or testes.
Permissible Exposure Limit
The safety standard for RF radiation. The PEL is dependent on the
frequency of operation and the exposure time.
Phased Array Antenna
pattern of the beam is enhanced in one or more directions (see also Antenna
The time rate at which energy is transmitted or used by a system; also, the
rate at which work is done. The unit is the Watt.
Power Density Level (PDL)
The intensity of radiofrequency radiation expressed in units of milliwatt per
square centimeter (mW/cm2) or power per unit area.
Pulse Duration
Duration of a pulse; the time interval between the halfpeakpower points on
the leading and trailing edges of the pulse.
Pulsed Laser
A laser that delivers its energy in short pulses, as distinct from a continuous
wave (CW) laser which is on continuously.
Acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging. A system that transmits a
pulsemodulated signal toward some target and evaluates the return
(reflected) signal to determine some characteristic of that target such as
speed and/or distance.
Radiant Energy
Energy in the form of electromagnetic waves usually expressed in units of
joules. Commonly used to describe the output of pulsed lasers.
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