| ![]() TTTS (Triplex Telemetry Tracking System)
The TTTS automatically acquires and transmits data for airborne
Frequency: L;C Bands
Power: 50 W (L Band)
test platforms, such as remotely piloted vehicles, and other mission
100 W (C Band)
needs. It utilizes standard gain horn antennas. The C Band
receiver utilizes a parabolic reflector antenna.
HAZARD CONTROLS (to reduce or eliminate risk)
Power Density Levels (PDL) ....
This system is able to produce potentially hazardous PDLs in excess of the safety
standard. Establish a Nonionizing Radiation Protection Program (IAW guidelines
provided in this TB) .
Hazard distance from antenna ....
Exclude personnel to a distance of 2.0 m from the antenna.
Open/cracked waveguides .......
The antenna feed horn and any open waveguide produce potentially hazardous PDLs.
Exclude personnel from this area and do no permit operation of this system with any
cracked, broken or open waveguide.
Consult the equipment Technical Manual for other operator and/or maintenance hazards.
Vehicular Intra/Inter Communications System (VIICS)
The VIICS is a communication and data distribution system that provides
Frequency: 410 MHz
Power: 4 W average
intra and inter vehicular communications. The VIICS is installed in the
Command and Control Vehicle Mission Module System (C2V-MMS)
and enables all crew members to communicate with one another and
access all radio sets in the C2V. The VIICS consists of the Crew Access
Unit (CAU) and the Communications Interface Unit (CIU).
HAZARD CONTROLS (to reduce or eliminate risk)
Power Density Levels (PDL) ....
This system is not able to produce potentially hazardous PDLs in excess of the safety
standard and is not subject to radiation protection control.
Consult the equipment Technical Manual for other operator and/or maintenance hazards.
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