The REGENCY NET consists of the AN/GRC-215 Team Terminal and the
Frequency: 2 - 30 MHz
AN/TRC-179 Force Terminal. The AN/GRC-215 utilizes a 4.88 m whip antenna
and the AN/TRC-179 utilizes three spiral whip antennas supported by 9 m masts.
Power: 100 W PEP (AN/GRC-215)
400 W PEP (AN/TRC-179)
HAZARD CONTROLS (to reduce or eliminate risk)
Power Density Levels (PDL) ....
Both system terminals are able to produce potentially hazardous PDLs in excess of the
safety standard. Establish a Nonionizing Radiation Protection Program (IAW guidelines
provided in this TB) . The MANPACK version of the AN/GRC-215 is unable to
produce potentially hazardous PDLs in excess of the safety standard.
Hazard distance from antenna ....
When operating the AN/GRC-215 in the continuous wave mode, exclude personnel to a
distance of 1.3 m from the antenna. When operating the AN/TRC-179 at 100% duty
cycle, exclude personnel to a distance of 1.3 m from the antenna elements.
Consult the equipment Technical Manual for other operator and/or maintenance hazards.
Specify the use of dummy loads during maintenance operations.
RTS RSS (Radar Target Simulator Radar System Simulator)
The RTS-RSS is designed to simulate either a continuous wave (CW)
Frequency: 6 - 18 GHz (CW)
or pulsed radar. The system has one CW and one pulsed transmitter,
10 18 GHz (pulsed wave)
each of which utilize a standard gain horn antenna.
Power: 40 W (CW)
20 W average; 400 W PEP (pulsed wave)
HAZARD CONTROLS (to reduce or eliminate risk)
Power Density Levels (PDL) ....
This system is able to produce potentially hazardous PDLs in excess of the safety
standard. Establish a Nonionizing Radiation Protection Program (IAW guidelines
provided in this TB) .
Hazard distance from antenna ....
Extremely high PDLs exist very close to the antenna; exclude personnel to a distance of
1.3 m from the antenna.
Consult the equipment Technical Manual for other operator and/or maintenance hazards.
Specify the use of dummy loads during maintenance operations.
Equipment - 208
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