| ![]() Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS) Light Ground
Station Module (LGSM)
The LGSM is a ground-based element of the Joint STARS integrated
Frequency: 225 - 400 MHz (AN/VRC-83)
battlefield intelligence and target acquisition system. The LGSM is
equipped with several types of data link and communications systems,
30 88 MHz (AN/VRC-92A)
which include the Surveillance Control Data Link (SCDL) Ground Data
240 400 MHz (GSM UHF)
Terminal (GDT); two AN/VRC-92A Single Channel Ground and Air
Radio System (SINCGARS) radio sets; one AN/VRC-83 VHF/UHF
Power: 30 W (AN/VRC-83)
radio set; and the GSM UHF SATCOM System. The SCDL GDT
1.67 W average; 40 W PEP (SCDL)
utilizes a radome-covered, directional antenna which can be mounted on
50 W average (AN/VRC-92A)
a mast or a tripod on the ground. The AN/VRC-92A utilizes a whip
200 W max (GSM UHF)
antenna mounted on a shelter. The AN/VRC-83 utilizes a dipole antenna
mounted on a shelter. The GSM UHF SATCOM System utilizes a
portable tripod-mounted, crossed-dipole antenna.
HAZARD CONTROLS (to reduce or eliminate risk)
Power Density Levels (PDL) ....
The SCDL GDT, AN/VRC-92A, and the AN/VRC-83 do not produce potentially
hazardous PDLs in excess of the safety standard and are not subject to radiation
protection controls. The GSM UHF SATCOM System is able to produce PDLs in
excess of the safety standard close to the antenna. Establish a Nonionizing Radiation
Protection Program (IAW guidelines provided in this TB) .
Hazard distance from antenna ....
Exclude personnel to distances of 2.0 m from the GSM UHF SATCOM antenna.
RF shock/burn .....................
Observe standard RF shock precautions. Do not touch the AN/VRC-92A, AN/VRC-83,
or the GSM UHF SATCOM antenna when energized.
Consult the equipment Technical Manual for other operator and/or maintenance hazards.
REFERENCES: CHPPM Study 24-83-0882-94
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