| ![]() GUARDRAIL/Common Sensor Ground Station (GRCS)
The GRCS consists of three Interoperable Data Links (IDL), a
Low Band Antenna (LBA) Field, an Integrated Processing
5.925 6.425 GHz (C Band) (FST-2000)
Facility (IPF), a Remote Relay System (RRS)/the FST-2000,
7.9 8.4 GHz (X Band) (FST-2000)
and a support building to house the GRCS. The FST-2000
14 .0 14.5 GHz (Ku Band) (FST-2000)
Terminal utilizes a cassegrain-fed, log periodic reflector
70 W max (IDL)
for fixed-station usage. The LBA and IPF utilize a Low-Band
400 W PEP (C Band) (FST-2000)
Horizontal Dipole antenna, a Low-Band Vertical
350 W PEP (X Band) (FST-2000)
Monopole/Monocone antenna, Mid and High-Band antenna
300 W PEP (Ku Band) (FST-2000)
masts, and ARF antennas mounted on the aircraft.
HAZARD CONTROLS (to reduce or eliminate risk)
Power Density Levels (PDL) ....
This system is not able to produce potentially hazardous PDLs in excess of the safety
standard and is not subject to radiation protection control.
Open/cracked waveguides.......
The area between the IDL and FST-2000 antenna feed horn and reflector and any open
waveguides produce potentially hazardous PDLs within short ranges (2.0 2.5 m for the
FST-2000). Instruct personnel to avoid these areas. Inspect FST-2000 semi-rigid
waveguides periodically for breaks or cracks, and replace any suspect waveguide.
RF shock/burn ......................
Observe standard RF shock precautions. Do not touch any LBA antennas when
Consult the equipment Technical Manual for other operator and/or maintenance hazards.
Equipment - 188
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