| ![]() TB 430133
b. Have the suspected victim of the overexposure examined by medical authori-
ties within 24 hours. The protocol for these examinations are in the DASG Policy Letter,
referenced in para. 23. For assistance in the treatment of laser eye injuries, the medical
authority should call the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Detachment Laser Eye
Injury Hotline at 8004733549.
propriate authorities are notified and an investigation of the incident is performed.
d. For the CECOM managed items in this TB, notify the CECOM DS. Our ad-
dress and telephone information is listed in paragraph 10 of this TB.
RCS DDR&E (AR) 1168, if an overexposure is suspected. Additionally, IAW AR
40400, medical authorities who conduct the medical evaluation of the victim must sub-
mit a Special Telegraphic Report (RCS MED16(R4)) through appropriate medical
channels if a radiation overexposure is suspected, whether or not hospitalization is re-
quired. As a result of these reports a formal investigation will be conducted and a final
medical report issued.
9. Proponent Agency. The CECOM Directorate for Safety is the proponent agency for
this TB. Users of this TB are encouraged to submit recommended changes, suggested
improvements, additions, reports of omissions and apparent errors. Comments should
be forwarded directly to Commander, CECOM, ATTN: AMSELLCLEOEED (with a
copy furnished to AMSELSFRE), Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 077035000. Com-
ments should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications
and Blank Forms) keyed to the specific page, paragraph and line of text in which the
change is recommended. A brief reason for each proposed change or comment should
be furnished to ensure understanding and complete evaluation.
10. Logistics and Safety Support. To obtain further information and guidance, contact
the CECOM National Inventory Control Point (NICP) for logistical support, and the RPO
for hazard criteria information. The points of contact as of the date of this publication
are listed below:
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