| ![]() TB 430133
(d) Only authorized personnel may set up, adjust, or operate a laser on a
laser range. Use of a laser is prohibited for unnecessary or unauthorized purposes, or
for periods of time beyond that which is absolutely necessary. All personnel within the
laser hazard area must wear laser safety eyewear designed for the specific wavelength
of the laser and with an adequate optical density (ANSI Z136.11993, paragraph; TB MED 524, paragraphs 315 through 323).
(e) Exclude unprotected personnel from the beam path at all points where
the laser beam exceeds the appropriate laser safety standard. Accomplish this by the
use of physical barriers, administrative controls, interlocks, and limiting beam traverse
(ANSI Z136.11993, paragraphs and; TB MED 524, paragraph
(f) Tracking of nontarget vehicular traffic or aircraft with a laser is pro-
hibited (ANSI Z136.11993, paragraph; TB MED 524, paragraph 35.b(2)).
(g) Clear the beam path of all specular surfaces (man made and natural)
capable of producing potentially hazardous reflections (TB MED 524, paragraphs
35.b(3) and 35.c, respectively and 318).
(h) Lasing into populated areas is prohibited (MILHDBK 828, paragraph
(i) Inspect the anticipated beam path to ensure that unauthorized person-
nel and all animals are out of the field of fire (TB MED 524, paragraph 318).
(j) Publish a laser range SOP. In addition to the above precautions, the
SOP should list procedures for placement of temporary or permanent warning signs
around the perimeter of the range. It should also list procedures to ensure that the laser
beam will not leave the boundaries of the laser range (ANSI Z136.11993, paragraph; TB MED 524, paragraph 317).
(17) Review and coordinate investigations pertaining to reports of accidents
or incidents involving potentially hazardous systems (DoDI 6055.11, Enclosure 5, para-
graphs 5.a through 5.c; DASG Memorandum, 11 April 1994, paragraph 8; AR 405,
paragraphs 99.a(2)(b)3, and 912.a through 912.c; TB MED 524, paragraph 51).
(18) When performing maintenance on lasers the following is required:
(a) Perform testing in controlled areas, with barriers and signs installed as
appropriate (TB MED 524, paragraph 329 a).
(b) Personnel will wear laser protective eyewear as necessary (TB MED
524, paragraph 41).
(c) Control personnel access to testing areas (TB MED 524, paragraph
(d) Personnel performing maintenance functions on lasers will receive
training commensurate with the specific hazards of the systems that they maintain
(ANSI Z136.11993, Appendix D6.1).
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