| ![]() TB 430133
tional Stock Number (NSN) or Line Item Number (LIN) is known and the Type Designa-
tion/Nomenclature is not, refer to Appendices C or D to convert to the Type Designator.
a. Appendices.
Appendix A is a list of references.
Appendix B lists abbreviations used in this TB.
Appendix C cross references the National Stock Number (NSN) to the
Type Designation/Nomenclature.
Appendix D cross references the Line Item Number (LIN) to the
Type Designation/Nomenclature.
Appendix E explains the Joint Electronics Type Designation System.
Appendix F contains a sample RF/LASER Standing Operating Procedure
Appendix G is a Glossary of Terms.
b. Format. Both the Radiofrequency (RF) Tables and Laser/Optical Tables are
SYSTEM HAZARDS and HAZARD CONTROLS (to reduce or eliminate risk) and REF-
ERENCES) as explained below.
(1) Radiofrequency (RF) Tables. Listed first, is the Type Designation/No-
menclature of the SYSTEM. The SYSTEM DESCRIPTION section contains a brief de-
scription of the system, its subcomponents, and the known types of antennas. The
er level. The SYSTEM HAZARDS section contains the non-ionizing system hazards as-
sociated with each system (i.e. Power Density Levels (PDL), hazard distance from the
antenna, open/cracked waveguides and RF shock/burn concerns). If a given hazard is
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