| ![]() suits shall be considered acceptable when
receiver-transmitter. Serious damage to
the performance is within the limits spe-
the pad and signal generator may result.
c i f i e d without further adjustment of
2. Do not perform any tests until the
the respective controls.
receiver-transrnitter has been allowed to
warm up for at least one minute.
(c) Channel changing tone. A tone of ap-
3. Transmission should not be at-
proximately 800 Hz shall be present at the re-
tempted during the channel changing
ceiver audio output during the complete channel
changing cycle. The tone shall be of sufficient
( a ) Transmitter power output. U n d e r
magnitude to be clearly audible after installation
standard conditions of (1) above and with the
of the AN/ARC54 subsystem in the designated
test set up as shown in figure 1, check the trans-
mitter for a minimum of 10 watts output at the
(d) "X" mode deviation test. Under stand-
following frequencies in sequences specified. The
ard conditions of (1) above and with the test set
maximum error for each frequency shall not be
up as in figure 2, perform the following tests:
greater than 0.01 percent. Allocated frequencies
1. Adjust the audio oscillator for zero
shall be made part of this unit.
signal output, Set the transmitter frequency to
Frequency (MHz)
Frequencey (MHz)
30 MHz. Key the transmitter and measure the
7. 50.55
1. 30.00
deviation. The deviation shall be 3 kHz 0.5 kHz.
8. 55.65
2. 34.10
9. 59.75
3. 37.20
2. Connect pin no. 39 of P1005 to ground
10. 63.85
4. 38.00
(pin no. 38) ; the deviation shall be zero.
11. 67.95
5. 40.30
3. With pin no. 39 connected to ground,
12. 69.95
6. 44.45
adjust the audio oscillator for a signal input level
of 8.2 0.5 Vrms at 1000 Hz between pins no. 7
The RF cabling arrangement shown in
and no. 38 (ground) of P1005. The deviation
shall be 9.5 2.5 kHz.
RG58/U or RG223/U cable between
(5) Receiver tests.
the receiver-transmitter unit and the
(a) Audio output test: Under standard
AN/URM120 for this test. The input
conditions of (1) above and with the test set up
voltage shall be at least 27.5 vdc at the
as shown if figure 3, perform the following test.
transmitter fuse for this test.
Using a 30 MHz signal modulated 10 kHz set
(b) Frequency deviation and sidetone test.
the signal generator AN/URM48 output level to
Under standard conditions of (1) above and with
provide 100 microvolt input to the receiver-trans-
the test setup as shown in figure 1, set the trans-
mitter antenna, (terminal P-1002). The audio
mitter to operate at 30.00 MHz. Adjust the audio
output shall be not less than 41.6 milliwatts (2.50
oscillator TS-382A/U for a signal level of 0.37
Vrms across the volume control when adjusted
V r m s at 1000 Hz between pins Y and KK
f o r maximum volume.) If necessary, adjust
(ground) of J-101. The frequency deviation shall
"GAIN" control R1315 of the receiver audio
be 10 kHz. (If the deviation is not within these
module to obtain the specified output.
limits, adjust "AUDIO" control R-1402 on the
transmit audio module, for a deviation of 10
(b) Sensitivity tests. Under standard con-
kHz. ) The sidetone output level shall be 1.09 Vrms
ditions of (1) above and with the test set up as
as measured with the VTVM across the volume
shown in figure 3, set the C-3835( )/ARC54
control when adjusted for a maximum volume.
c o n t r o l s for receive operation OFF-PTT-RE-
(Adjust "SIDETONE" control R1413, as neces-
TRAN-HOME switch to PTT and the SQUELCH
sary to achieve the specified output. ) Remove the
switch to DIS and the volume control fully clock-
audio input and key the transmitter. The devia-
wise. Set the signal generator output level as in-
tion shall be 3000 Hz 500 Hz. Connect a 0.2 mf
dicated in figure 3, deviated 10 kHz at 1000 Hz
capacitor across the modulation meter ME57/U
and measure the signal plus noise-to-noise ratio.
AUDIO OUTPUT terminals and check the tone
The ratio shall be 10 db or greater. Conduct this
frequency as indicated on the frequency meter
test at the following frequencies:
AN/USM-26. The tone frequency shall be 150
Hz 3 Hz.
Due to an interaction between the
"SIDETONE" control R1413 and the
(c) Squelch sensitivity. U n d e r standard
"AUDIO" control R1402, the test re-
conditions of (1) above and with the test set up
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