| ![]() (4) Shipment markings for return of warranty
(b) Unpacking instructions. Unpack the radio set or
repair items. The packed radio sets or individual items
the receiver in the same manner. Pry off the wooden
shall be addressed to the contractor marked as follows:
box cover. Remove each individual box from the con-
Bendix Corporation
solidation container. Open the component boxes; use
Avionics Division
care when removing the items so as not to damage the
2100 N.W. 62nd Street
components or the cartons, plastic bag or the internal
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33310
dunnage. Do not dispose of the packaging materials.
ATTN: CONUS Repair Service Administrator
Reliability Improvement Warranty
The containers utilized for the following com-
Contract DAAB-07-75-C-0853
ponents are 10 TRIP REUSABLE CON-
h. Transportation.
TAINERS, designed with specially preformed
(1) The transportation costs for the shipments of
plastic molded inserts. These containers shall
failed equipment to the contractor's plant or repair
be retained for use in repackaging and ship-
facility are to be borne by the user or shipping activity.
ping between the government and contractor's
(2) Special procedures for activities returning
overhaul facility.
defective equipment are as follows:
R-2023/ARN-123(V), Receiver, Radio
(a) Materiel will be shipped to the contractor's
R-2139/ARN-123(V), Receiver, Radio
plant for repair and returned in accordance with those
C-10048/ARN-123(V), Control, Receiver
procedures contained in the equipment technical
MT-4834/ARN-123(V), Mounting Base, Elec-
manual (TM), along with the documentation prescribed
trical Equipment
R-1963/ARN, Receiver, Radio
(b) Equipment returned to the contractor's plant
MT-4835/ARN, Mounting Base, Electrical
will contain only those items covered under this contract
and listed in 6a above.
MT-4980/ARN, Mounting Base, Electrical
(c) All Army and other DOD activities returning
AN/ARN-123(V) or R-1963/ARN components for war-
(2) Checking unpacked equipment.
ranty repair will complete a DD Form 1348-1 as re-
(a) Inspect the equipment for damage that may
quired by AR 725-50 (Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue
have occurred during shipment. If the equipment has
been damaged, or packaging deficiencies are
(d) All items are to be shipped by insured priori-
discovered, fill out and forward Standard Form 364
ty mail with return receipt requested. In addition to the
(AR 735-1 1-2).
priority mail markings the parcels should also be mark-
(b) Check to see that the equipment is complete
ed "Fourth Class Mail Enclosed". Authorization for
as listed on the packing slip. If the packing slip is not
available, check the equipment against the items listed
the above exception to AR 340-3 has been granted for
RIW items by Director, Postal Directorate, HQDA.
The Authorization is contained in DAAG-MAP (1 Jul
(3) Repacking.
77) 3rd Endorsement subject: Request for Exception to
(a) Repackage the equipment using the reverse
procedure shown in subparagraph g(1) above and
Permit the Use of Certified Mail and Return Receipts
when Mailing MILSTRIP Parcels dated 11 April 1978.
not available for use, package the equipment in the
All failed units are to be shipped back to the contractor
following manner:
as soon as they are packaged and all accompanying
(b) Place each item within a plasic bag
documents are completed. All shipments must be in-
fabricated of materiel conforming to L-P-378. Wrap the
sured up to the limit of their value or permissible max-
item in cellulosic cushioning materiel comforming to
imum allowed by the USPS (not to exceed the shipment
PPP-C-843, type II, a minimum of 6 inches on all sur-
faces and secure the wrap with tape conforming to PPP-
(e) All materiel for repair and return is to be
T-76. Place the cushioned item within a close fitting
shipped to the address listed in g(4) above. The address
fiberboard box conforming to PPP-B-636, W5c, and
is to be clearly identifiable on the outside of the shipp-
seal all scams and joints with tape conforming to PPP-
ing container and all accompanying shipping
(c) When individual components are being ship
(f) Activities returning equipment for repair
peal, the packaged item shall be overpacked within a
(RIW) shall also indicate their complete in-the-clear ad-
close-fitting box,
dress where the equipment is to be shipped after repair.
d) When more than one item or set is being
This in-the-clear address shall be included on DA Form
shipped, a quantity of the package items shall be over-
2407, b!ock 30. Failure to include the return address will
packed within a close-fitting box.
delay equipment returns to users.
(e) Substitute packaging materiels may be
(g) All Air Frame Contractors and other
selected from those items listed in SB 38-100.
authorized DOD commercial repair facilities returning
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