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p r e s s e d a n d t h e contacts of S901
P901 is a two-prong male plug that
a r e s e t t o their closed-circuit
m a t e s a two-socket female recep-
p o s i t i o n . To a s s u r e that the main
tacle on' the right wall of the main
unit power supply operates into its
unit tuning unit compartment (fig.
n o r m a l load, however, the ac in-
4 6 ) . Withdrawal of a tuning unit
p u t powerline is still incomplete
f r o m the tuning unit compartment
u n t i l the action described in (3)
o p e n - c i r c u i t s microswitch S711;
b e l o w is accomplished.
this action disables operating
(3) Male m U l t i p i n connector P903.
p o w e r from the main unit power
Connector P903 consists of 18
transformer T702 (fig. 6). The con-
s t r a i g h t single-conductor pins and
d u c t o r s connected to plug P901
2 coaxial-conductor plugs. When
serve as a jumper to restore oper-
P903 is mated with receptacle
ating power to the main unit trans-
J 7 0 1 , mounted on the inside rear
former T702. However, the jumper
w a l l of the tuning unit compart-
circuit is completed only when
ment, the 18 single-conductor pins
m i c r o s w i t c h e s S901 and S902 are
d e p r e s s e d to their closed-circuit
provide a path of continuity for the
a c and dc potentials developed in
p o s i t i o n , as described in (2) and
(3) below.
the main unit for tuning unit oper-
(2) Female multipin connector P902.
a t i o n . Coaxial conductor pin Al
s e r v e s as the termination for the
Connector P902 consists of 18
s t r a i g h t single-conductor sockets
s h i e l d e d wire that provides a dc
a n d 2 coaxial conductor sockets.
p a t h for the audio output signal
When P902 is mated with the recep-
from the tuning unit to audio ampli-
tacle at the rear of the tuning unit
fier V701 in the main unit. Coaxial
under measurement, the 18 single-
c o n d u c t o r pin A2 provides a path
c o n d u c t o r sockets provide a path
for the rf or calibrating signal from
of continuity for the ac and dc po-
the main unit to the rf tuner section
of the tuning unit. Connector P903
tentials developed in the main unit
f o r tuning unit operation. Coaxial
s e r v e s  o n e additional function,
conductor socket A1 serves as the
similar to that of P902 ((2) above).
t e r m i n a t i o n for the shielded wire
This function is the closing of the
contacts of microswitch S902,
that provides a dc path for the audio
which is physically located on the
signal developed in the tuning unit
to audio detector V701 in the main
h o u s i n g for connector P903. As
P903 mates with main unit recep-
unit. Coaxial socket A2 provides a
t a c l e J701, the protruding plunger
path for the rf signal (which enters
o f the microswitch is depressed
the test set through the main unit)
and the contacts of S902 are set to
or for the calibrating signal (devel-
t h e i r closed-circuit position. With
oped by impulse generator G701 in
S901 on connector P902 closed ((2)
the main unit) to the rf tuner section
a b o v e ) , this action completes the
within the tuning unit. In addition
to providing dc paths of continuity,
j u m p e r circuit across tuning unit
compartment  m i c r o s w i t c h S 7 1 1
connector P902 serves another
function.  T h i s f u n c t i o n i s t h e
(fig. 6), and the ac input power to
c l o s i n g of the contacts of micro-
t h e main unit transformer is re-
s w i t c h S901, which is physically
s t o r e d . The power supply works
l o c a t e d on the housing for con-
into its rated load, which consists
n e c t o r P902. The plunger of the
of an operating tuning unit.
microswitch  e x t e n d s  approx-
62. Transformer, Power, Isolation and
i m a t e l y one-half inch beyond the
Step-Down TF-248/G
connector housing. As P902 mates
w i t h its receptacle on the rear of
the tuning unit, the plunger is de-
a. 120V Position of S802. This external

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